Interactive Design workshop in the LS

AndyPrattThis week the Art & Design department brought in Andy Pratt from San Francisco to lead a two-day workshop on Interactive Design. Fifteen students were selected to participate in the interactive workshop that ran Thursday and Friday this week in the Learning Studio. Andy walked students through the process of collaborating with developers and designers around the world on web media projects.

About Andy

Andy has fifteen years of experience creating award-winning interactive media. He is an Executive Creative Director for Favorite Medium, a global design and technology agency with offices in Seoul and Singapore. Prior to this, he worked as a creative director at Funny Garbage, an interactive agency in New York City. This position afforded him the opportunity to work with some of the largest brands in the world, including the Smithsonian Institution, Cartoon Network, Noggin, Lego and Turner Broadcasting. His vision and strategy is showcased in apps, websites and on air content for these powerhouses, among many others.

Web Portfolio

Emmy Award Winner, Global Media Award Nominee (x2), Webby Award Winner (x4), Webby Award People’s Voice Winner (x2), Webby Award Honoree, Webby Award Nominee (x10), Times Magazine Top 50 Sites, 21st Annual Mark Award Gold (x2), 21st Annual Mark Award Silver, Creativity 34 Winner, Interactive Media Award (x3), Print Regional Design Annual, Communicator Award, W3 Award (x3), HOW Interactive Design Award (x3), Spark Award Nominee

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Introducing Lightboard

Since January one project we’ve been excited to share with the campus is our new Lightboard in the main studio. We’re currently piloting the tool with faculty in a few classes, and look forward to making it more broadly available in the future. Join us next Thursday in the Adams Center for a quick tour.



If you find yourself regularly describing key ideas visually through diagrams, outlines, or images on a whiteboard, we’d like to introduce you to Lightboard. This spring we’re piloting a new video tool in the Learning Studio that gives faculty the ability to create video content with annotations quickly and easily. Join us for lunch and a demonstration of the newest addition upstairs in the library.

Lightboard project page

FilmFest training workshops

This semester we’re working with the FilmFest folks to lead off their 24-hour FilmFest events with a workshop introducing crucial techniques. We’ll kick off the series this week with our first on Friday.



How to Get Great Sound in Your Film

In filmmaking, good audio is key. Polish your future productions by learning the ins and outs of capturing great sound this Friday, 2–4 p.m., in the Learning Studio. Mathew Bardwell and Nathan Driskell will be joined by Nathan Gibbs from JMC to give you a hands-on introduction to recording film audio.


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Upper Level 360

Thanks to Mathew Bardwell in the Learning Studio for capturing the final stage of the progress of shifting collections from the top floor of the library to the new compact shelving downstairs.

Library staff moved 12,012 shelves in the last month, just over 35,000 lineal feet of shelf space or more than 400,000 volumes. A remarkable amount of work and a great view!

Take it for a spin.


Lynda for iPad and iPhone also offers mobile access for smartphones and tablets, providing full access to all their courses wherever you are.

1. First Log in to — you MUST login on a desktop browser BEFORE iOS apps will work.

2. Next download the App for iOS 

3. At the login screen, tap “Web Portal Access” and enter ““.

4. Finally, use your MyACU login to complete the Lynda login.

When you first log into from your desktop browser, you are asked to customize your profile with your name and email address. This is a Required step connecting your MyACU account to a Lynda profile, syncing your progress on courses across apps and browsers.


iOS Training on Lynda

Mobile devices are increasingly the first screen we turn to. includes a growing collection of courses that enable you to produce a range of content for the iPad or iPhone.