LS Blog

News and updates from the Learning Studio

Golden Light Workshop

In April, Asia Eidson worked with a group of student photographers interested in mastering golden light.

Friday afternoon, she walked them through working with subjects for couples’ portraits and then that evening took them on a shoot with models to experience the challenge of getting informal pictures as the light disappears at the end of the day.

Saturday after she took a second group through a typical early-morning shoot, Asia introduced students to strategies for editing portraits in Adobe Lightroom. As Adobe Creative Cloud continues to be available to the campus for free, we see a growing number of students tapping the power of tools like Lightroom.

If you’d like to hear about future student workshops, email us at to get on our mailing list.

Web Portfolio

Image Credits:  Alex Gabriele, Brittney Johnson


LS Productions

Your Story Starts Here – Learning Studio trailer

Dutch Lady – faculty member discovers new play

Vision in Action – spotlight on Halbert-Walling project

Cup of Coffee – Chandler Graf’s talk for TEDxACU 2017

Drywall and Lighting are in

For those keeping an eye on progress in the Learning Studio, one more set of pics to show how far construction has come. Over the next two weeks they'll paint and carpet upstairs with a few more to install technology in the media lab and collaboration rooms. Grand...

DSLR Explosion

DSLR Explosion

The last year has seen an explosion of indie filmmaking on new hybrid cameras that bring HD (1080p) video to the digital SLR still camera. DSLRs have significantly larger image sensors than most pro-sumer video cameras and already work with a wide-range of lenses that...

Construction continues upstairs

Thanks to Donald Simpson and the Friends of the ACU Library for continuing to capture progress on the Learning Studio and Speaking Center construction upstairs. If you're a student studying for finals, you've already heard the sounds of construction echoing through...

Out My Window: 360º Video

Out My Window: 360º Video

You've got to see this to believe this. Imagine what would happen if you combined Google's streetview car with live video recording. Imagine that the entire world was a single high-rise building. The ultimate media macrocosm. Enjoy. Out My Window - National Film Board...

Construction photos from FACUL

The Friends of the ACU Library posted some photos this week of the first stages of construction on the Learning Studio. They provide some sense of the size of the space that will receive the new Speaking Center, Media Collections, and an expanded Digital Media Center....

Global music collaborations

In Cornerstone this week, Dr. Bill Rankin joined us to talk about the power of technology to move beyond models of competition to models of collaboration. Since creating a space that fosters collaboration is a goal of the new Learning Studio, I thought I'd pass along...

Where good ideas come from

Where good ideas come from

A great talk from the TED Conference by Steven Berlin Johnson considering the types of spaces most likely to spark new ideas. Not surprisingly, ideas rarely appear all at once, the result of isolation and the individual genius. Johnson walks through a range of...

BeeDocs 3D adds punch to Timelines

This spring the Media Lab will begin offering access to BeeDocs Timelines, a new application that allows users to create interactive, 3D timelines. A strong tool for presenting chronology in a visual way, not only are users employing the software to study history, but...

Copyright lunch in the Adams Center

Thanks to Kenneth Pybus for presenting today on the relationship between copyright, fair use, and campus blogging. Walking through copyright myths, examples of typical teaching uses, with considerations of fair use both on campus and online. Parody on Fair Use One of...