Painting with light

3 Commentsby   |  10.23.14  |  Announcements

The holiday season is upon us and we are talking about painting with light in photography this week so I thought this blog was really cool.  It gives a few examples of what you can do with your Christmas lights and how to capture them in different ways. Check out the link below!


  1. Cierra Fitzgerald
    7:51 pm, 10.26.14

    These are really neat! Thanks for sharing this link! I would have never thought of using the painting with light technique through christmas lights. This is really creative! I really love christmas lights and they are beautiful when they adorn certain spaces, and taking advantage of this could make some really amazing photos. I might have to experiment with these!

  2. Cierra Fitzgerald
    7:52 pm, 10.26.14

    I would have never thought of using the painting with light technique through christmas lights, and this is really creative! I really love christmas lights and they are beautiful when they adorn certain spaces. So taking advantage of this could make some really amazing photos. I might have to experiment with these!

  3. Paige Otway
    5:58 pm, 11.30.14

    This is awesome! I love how the lights look like they are popping out at you!

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