Michelle Lytle's Archive

Painting with light

3 Commentsby   |  10.23.14  |  Announcements

The holiday season is upon us and we are talking about painting with light in photography this week so I thought this blog was really cool.  It gives a few examples of what you can do with your Christmas lights and how to capture them in different ways. Check out the link below!


Paris in black and white

2 Commentsby   |  09.24.14  |  Announcements



Working on the project we have due this week has made me have a great appreciation for the amount of detail and work that go in to the buildings and monuments around us each day.  I have been to Paris a few times and the city completely captivates me because of the incredible history and architecture the artists display through their work.  Looking at things in black and white gives me the opportunity to see things that I would not notice otherwise due to the distraction of color.  The above pictures are fascinating to look at and let your eyes go where they want to with the different lines and shapes.


2 Commentsby   |  09.08.14  |  Announcements

George Eastman was the pioneer for the use of photographic film. He started manufacturing paper film in 1885 and named his first camera the “Kodak” which was for sale initially in 1888.  The camera was preloaded for 100 exposures and then sent back to the factory to be processed and reloaded.  Now days this would seem crazy to wait so long and have to do all that work to get a picture, but back then this was an incredible discovery of how to save real life images on paper forever.

Below is a picture of the Kodak No. 2 Brownie box camera.  It is so fascinating to see how cameras have evolved over time and learn from the pioneers of photography.



Michelle Lytle's Comment Archive

  1. Michelle Lytle on Joanna Kustra
    2:37 pm, 12.09.14

    Wow these photos capture so much innocent emotion, I love it! The baby models are adorable and the images are so creative! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Michelle Lytle on Laura Barisonzi
    2:35 pm, 12.09.14

    Ok, that is actually so true, I always see men photographing events and I think this lady does a good job! I like how the photos are artsy but also realistic and have story to tell.

  3. Michelle Lytle on Myspace Tom
    2:33 pm, 12.09.14

    Wow these pictures are fantastic. The light play and vast background are incredible! Thank you for sharing these!

  4. Michelle Lytle on Seth Casteel
    9:11 am, 11.24.14

    The pictures above are incredible. They let the viewer into almost a whole different world under water with the incredible facial expressions captured on the dogs and movement under water.

  5. Michelle Lytle on Hannu Huhtamo
    9:09 am, 11.24.14

    Wow I have never seen painting with light done this way! It is so cool! The color contrast and the precision of these photos is incredible!

  6. Michelle Lytle on Suran Manvelyan
    9:07 am, 11.24.14

    I really like how he changes between black and white photos to color as well as changing the subject of the photos. He obviously can shoot anything including scenery as well as people and animals..so cool!

  7. Michelle Lytle on iPhone Photographers.
    8:51 am, 10.23.14

    I think its so interesting that photographers actually do some work with iPhones. I like the creativity of it and how it can inspire people who may not be able to afford a fancy camera to still capture special moments and memories.

  8. I really like how these photos draw my eyes to every corner of the picture making me want to see what else was around these buildings. I really like the texture and lines that his work displays.

  9. Michelle Lytle on Caroline VSCO Grid
    8:46 am, 10.23.14

    Love your grid Caroline, and all your pictures from fall break! I love how your personality shines through your pictures!

  10. Michelle Lytle on Tim Tadder
    8:15 am, 10.23.14

    Wow this picture is kinda crazy! I like how the photographer did not just use the regular color of water but he made it all different colors to add to the craziness.