Raphael Guarino

2 Commentsby   |  11.29.12  |  Announcements

This is a very creative photographer that has a unique style. I love the vintage feel of his photos. Here are a few samples of photos!


  1. Hannah Henderson
    5:23 pm, 11.29.12

    Um, so this is cool! I really like his simple compositions! His pictures are simple, yet profound. They really are creative and very very interesting! It just goes to show you don’y need super spiffy elements to make a really impacting piece!

  2. Ashley Hall
    8:35 pm, 11.29.12

    I really like the layering this photographer uses. There use not a whole lot of content in his work, but the images are captivating that it works. I like how there is a layer between the viewer and the model, it’s adds an interesting disconnect.

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