tim flach

6 Commentsby   |  11.28.12  |  Announcements, Student Posts




Tim Flach is an animal photographer and his portfolio is INCREDIBLE. I just took one image from his impressive site, so everyone needs to check him out. Absolutely stunning.






  1. Amanda Cantu
    8:02 am, 11.29.12

    This photo is amazing! I love how in the moment it is and instead of seeing the typical lion roar we see it in a more vulnerable moment of it cleaning itself. The lighting is incredible and the shot itself is beautiful.

  2. Ashley Beddingfield
    12:43 pm, 11.29.12

    Flach is absolutely incredible! I’m so glad you shared this with us. Animals are so interesting to me and the way he captures these animals and their characteristics is so captivating! I love the one of the tiger you picked, its really amazing how he can get that moment in such a vivid way on camera.

  3. Brittany Williams
    2:22 pm, 11.29.12

    I lost count of how many times I said “Aww” out loud at his series of dogs. The one that has been shaved to look like a skeleton is adorable. The poodle ones are super cute too. His use of light is simply incredible. I’d never heard of him, thanks for the introduction!

  4. Ashley Hall
    9:44 pm, 11.29.12

    I really like the animal photography. The way the animals are photographed makes them look like humans somehow. The close ups in all of his images are stunning and the action shots are amazing!

  5. Hannah Henderson
    11:39 pm, 11.29.12

    I love when photographers capture moments like this. This is not only a great capture, but it is fantastic composition and editing! I have mad props for people who can capture great shots of animals! really great work!

  6. Kelsie Pinckard
    12:50 am, 12.06.12

    How incredible! I can’t imagine the time and patience it took to capture such awesome photos of these animals. I loved how much movement each image had- there always seemed to be a next direction depicted, and that really makes this “more than human” portfolio stand out.

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