Morell’s Photograms

3 Commentsby   |  09.13.14  |  Announcements, Student Posts

I know that we have since moved on from Photograms, but as I was traversing the internet, I found some interesting photograms on Abelardo Morell’s website. In some of his photograms, he uses water and liquids like ink to create very interesting compositions. I for one had never thought of putting droplets of liquid directly onto the surface of the photographic paper, which has proven to create  a very appealing image. Looking at Morell’s photograms makes me want to experiment more with composing interesting photograms using different objects and angles of light.


photogram magnifying glass photogram

photogram 2 photogram 3


  1. Caroline Levinson
    12:36 pm, 09.18.14

    I love these pictures! This really speaks to how much of an “art” photography truly is. I love that you can experiment with even the simplest thing, such as water on a photogram, and it creates a stunning, unique image and piece of artwork.

  2. Taylor McDaniel
    12:55 pm, 09.28.14

    These are so neat! When we were doing photograms, I tried once or twice photographing water on the Plexiglas plate, but nothing I tried turned out as well as these. It would be interesting to know how he captured so much light in the water without overexposing the photo paper.

  3. Brenee Ewing
    4:43 pm, 10.22.14

    Cierra I freaking love these picks especially the one that look like a slapptered paint!!!

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