Using Canvas

Canvas Tutorials, Guides, and Tips

ACU uses Canvas as the campus-wide learning management system, a cloud-based learning management system that ACU has used since Spring 2015. Here are some tutorials and instructions you might want to check.

Quicklinks to Canvas:  

You will need to use your regular ACU username and password to access Canvas.  If you have difficulty, contact the IT Support Center.

Take a video course:

  • You can learn to use Canvas by watching Linkedin Learning videos on Canvas.  You could skip the parts about course creation, cross-listing, and student enrollments as we handle them differently as the course shows. Instead, see the tutorials below. Log in to LinkedIn Learning here. If you have issues logging in, send a ticket to IT Support Center (

Get started

General Course Management




Other tools



Get Help

To get help with Canvas, click on “help” on the Canvas menu, you will then see a list of options for you to get help.  When you contact anyone for help, unless you are on the phone, always include URL of the page you have a problem with.  For instance:

If you are on the phone, let the person on the phone know the identifying number of the course, in the example above, the identifying number would be: “1825476”. You can find it by going to “modules” of your course and then see the number in the address bar.

If you experience issues with a particular feature or function, you can also check Canvas Status for updates.

Getting instructional design support in using Canvas:

Canvas help is best for answering specific product-related questions (“How do I upload an assignment?” “Speedgrader keeps logging me out.  What can I do?”).  For instructional design questions (“Should I use quiz or assignment for this activity?””I am suspecting a student cheating in this exam, can I find out?””Does Canvas have a way for me to …”),  contact Scott Hamm or Amy Boone.

Contact Us

Laura Carroll

Assistant Provost for Teaching, Learning and Vocational Formation

Scott Hamm

Assistant Director, Director of Pedagogical Partnerships

Rodney Ashlock

Director of Faculty Development

Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby

Director of Faculty Spiritual Formation

Amy Boone

Teaching and Learning Specialist

Hollye Jaklewicz

Event and Communication Specialist

Stephen Rektenwald

Assistant Director of Educational Technology