Written by special contributor, Lance Fleming

It probably doesn’t happen often that an intern working at an insurance company during the summer calls the best part of that internship the chance to improve his communication skills. But for ACU senior finance major Will Fargason, that was his favorite part of working during the summer for S-S Bendure Hartwig, one of the fastest-growing firms representing American Income Life branch of Globe Life Insurance.

Based in Columbus, Ohio, S-S Bendure Hartwig has been one of the top workplaces in Columbus from 2013-21, as selected by Columbus CEO magazine. Fargason spent the summer working remotely, meaning most client interactions came via Zoom meetings. Not exactly the best way to communicate, but for Fargason, it helped him work on his interpersonal skills. 

We recently caught up with the native of Lubbock to get some insights on his summer spent working as an insurance agent for S-S Bendure Hartwig.

Q: What was your favorite part of the internship?

Fargason: Being able to speak with the clients daily through Zoom calls. We communicated and tried to figure out the best possible plans for those people to be able to live their lives and not worry if they were to pass away, how their kids’ lives would be affected. 

Q: What are the most significant lessons you learned in your internship?

Fargason: The greatest lesson I learned was not taking anything for granted. The conversations I had with clients and learning about their financial or physical situations reminded me how blessed I was to be in a position where I had a fantastic internship opportunity and could help other families find what was best suited for their needs at that time. 

Q: How do you see this experience aiding you in the future?

Fargason: This experience will significantly help me in the future because, throughout this internship, I exponentially increased my communication skills. Talking to clients daily and through complex topics has helped my vocabulary and ability to catch different vocal cues to ensure I communicate as effectively as possible.

Q: Do you have any tips for future interns or students looking for internships?

Fargason: Apply for every internship that seems remotely interesting. I never knew exactly what I wanted to do, and being able to do an internship allowed me to see if this field was something I enjoyed and wanted to continue.

Q: How has your time at ACU prepared you for this internship and for future employment?

Fargason: My time at ACU has helped me through the various preparation applications they have provided me and throughout my classes, learning everything I would need to help me in the business world. Being taught by professors with their doctorates and at the highest level of education has been an enormous blessing for me to be prepped for life and work after college. 

Q: What’s been your most memorable experience as a business student at ACU?

Fargason: The opportunity to grow professionally while still in school. The business school has many opportunities to meet high-class business people and learn everything you want about life after college. This opportunity to learn from people who have been successful in their fields and have chosen to come back to campus to share what worked for them and how we could be successful is something I’ve enjoyed.

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