COBA new york

This Fall Break, a group of 23 students along with professors Dr. Jonathan Stewart, Dr. Joyce Haley, COBA Executive in Residence David Swearingen, and ACU Chief Marketing Officer Jason Groves headed north to the single most competitive work environment in the country-New York City. While in New York, the group was able to visit Wall Street and meet with executives from companies like Johnson & Johnson, Magnet Media, Dentsu American, CNN and the NBA. Brandon Baker, a ’98 ACU graduate, hosted the group as they toured the New York Stock Exchange. Brandon now serves as the organization’s vice president of information technology. Seeing ACU alumni like Brandon succeed in such a competitive business environment shows how competitive ACU students are against graduates from larger elite schools, such as Harvard and Yale. ACU students are able to infuse faith into their work, offering a set of ethics and values to the marketplace. Swearingen states, “If there’s anything business needs more of, it is Christians who bring their ethics and values into the marketplace. That’s what ACU students and grads do.”

“Being in NYC was so empowering! There are opportunities everywhere you look. We have discussed businesses in a classroom setting, but actually meeting business CEOs and leaders gave us a whole new perspective of how companies operate,” states Gentry McMath, junior accounting major.

kojies in NYC           KJK popthrough

Amanda Clary, Shannon Ball, Sarah Hailey, Whitney Stevens, Jaci Isham, Gentry McMath, Natalie Goin, Allie Rostron, Savannah Smith, Amy Sloan and Meghan Eager on the NYC fall break trip.

STAR Meets With First Financial Bank Investors

On October 15, the STAR program had the opportunity to meet with two First Financial Bank investment officers, one of which was a  former member of STAR. The Trust department at First Financial manages over $3 billion and organizes numerous investment portfolios. Meeting with the investment officers gave STAR members the opportunity to shadow professionals in the field and see what they do on a day-to-day basis, the portfolios they manage, and the forms of technology they use to manage those portfolios. This opportunity also allowed STAR members to connect and form relationships for networking in the field. We are excited to see what the future holds for our STAR members and the impact they will be making in the marketplace!


Ready…Set…Venture Out!

It is that time of year again! Pull out your wallets because Intro to Business’ Venture Out groups are ready to start selling! The 32 teams met with a panel of six judges recently to present ideas and business plans, hoping to come away with a loan agreement.

In the long review with the judges, groups lay out their entire business plan including suppliers, plans for profit, and marketing strategies to be used in promotion of the product. The panel of judges included CEOs and small business owners from the Abilene area. Up to $500 loans could be given to each individual team. Teams are able to pick an organization to give their profits to once the project is completed. Some of the charitable organizations include Habitat for Humanity, St. Jude’s Hospital, the Red Thread Movement, Locks of Love, Southern Hills Church of Christ, and Younglife.Profits range from group to group, but in the past, a group was able to donate $2,000 to an organization. Venture Out is a project that has been used for over a decade, with over $60,000 of donations given to various groups and causes. The project even contrinutes to some scholarships, including the A. Don Drennan Scholarship for students who are struggling financially. From shirts, socks, and sweatpants to hairbows, stickers, and koozies, Venture Out teams are ready to get out and start selling their products! Look for teams selling around campus and remember the good causes the proceeds will be going towards.

Dr. Monty Lynn says, “I love this project because of the hands-on nature. Students are able to see the process of a business start-up to harvest.”

The Legendary Earl Young Motivates COBA Students

Earl Young addresses ACU students.

Earl Young

COBA was proud to host the legendary world class Olympic Gold medalist Earl Young. Mr. Young spoke to COBA students at a COBA Career Connect session on October 9. Earl’s list of accomplishments and accolades is quite remarkable on the track field and in the business field. Earl was brought to ACU by track coach Oliver Jackson from the orange trees of the San Fernando Valley in California. At the age of 19, he was a member of the 1960 United States Olympic Track and Field Team, winning a Gold Medal in the 1600 meter relay while also setting a new World and Olympic record. He is an All-American in Track and Field and participated on numerous international teams establishing four World records and four American records. Earl Young attended ACU and graduated with an undergraduate degree in Business along with History and Religion and graduate studies in Business Management.

Earl also shines in the field of business. Mr. Young has served in the role of Advisor, Corporate Officer and Director of companies in the United States and abroad. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and Investment Banking firms in New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, Vancouver, and London. He has also worked with the World Bank and U.S. senators and congressmen. One of the organizations he has worked with is the Madagascar World Voice, a philanthropic organization partnering with World Christian Broadcasting to broadcast news, education, and entertainment with the fundamental message of hope and freedom to over 2 billion listeners throughout the world. Earl’s connections in Madagascar started the process of a scholarship funded by the World Bank for ACU students who are from the Republic of Madagascar.

Mr. Young’s resume also includes work with the Diamond Fields International Ltd., Earl Young and Associates, Renaissance Capital Group, AMI Investment Corporation, and Chafin and Young. Mr. Young is a member of the Abilene Christian University Council and a Director of the American Studies Institute Advisory Board of Harding University.

Earl Young - US Sprinter June 19, 1961 X 7554 credit:  Art Shay - assign

Earl is truly the definition of an exceptional performer in all aspects of life. Earl told students how he used to doubt all of the talk about God’s direct provision and intervention in people’s lives. Looking back on his life, he now sees how God was the sole reason for all of his opportunities and achievements. His gold medal in the 1960 Olympics has opened many doors for him throughout his life time. Earl encouraged students to think about their own gold medal and what achievements and blessings in their lives they have that will open the numerous doors for them. ACU and COBA are proud to recognize Mr. Young as an ambassador for God through his actions and achievements throughout the world. Earl currently lives in Dallas and continues to exemplify the faith-based truth that with God, all things are possible.


“Once the door of opportunity has been opened for you, you have to have value to offer before the door closes. Embrace every opportunity or that door will close too quickly.”

Earl Young addresses students

Earl Young addresses students at COBA’s Career Connect

“The workforce is looking for hard working Christians with integrity. With all of the high pressures in business, honesty is such a valuable characteristic for businesses today.”

Bring on the Burritos..the Crossing Cafe is Now Open!

The Crossing Cafe - now open!

The Crossing Cafe – now open!

Students, faculty, and all of the ACU community, our wait is over. After pushing through long and dreadful coffeeless mornings, sitting through classes with no breakfast burritos to satisfy our grumbling stomachs, and sitting uncomfortably on the hard floors in the hallways trying to cram before those killer tests, the time has come. COBA is proud to announce the new and improved Crossing Cafe! The cafe opened this past Monday and offers an assortment of yummy snacks and breakfast items, including kolaches, donuts, breakfst burritos, coffee, tea, and a variety of other treats. The Crossing Cafe is a completely student-operated business run by Wildcat Venture students Allie Rostron, Casey Duncum, and Brandon Avedikian.

Allie Rostron, CEO of the cafe, says, “I am extremely happy with the renovations. Menus can always be changed, but our goal was to create a unique and inviting environment for the students.”

cafe traffic

Casey Duncum, senior management major, is also pleased with the new cafe. Casey has an innovative vision for the cafe, seeking ways to truly add to the unique COBA experience. The cafe also features student artwork from the student-founded organization Emineo. This adds a different touch to the cafe, creating a modern and trendy environment. In addition to the new atmosphere inside the cafe, Casey is hoping to eventually add furniture and live events on the back patio.

Casey says,”This summer was hard trying to make everything come together, but after seeing the cafe open, it was worth the hours of work and preparation.” 

cafe furniture

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead. Indulge in that hot, mouth-watering breakfast burrito and reward your taste buds for those treacherous mornings you had to function without coffee. Stop by the new and improved Crossings Cafe located on the first floor of COBA!

COBA’s Kayli Huddleston Receives Honored Scholarship

COBA is proud to recognize Kayli Huddleston, senior management major, as the recipient of the 2013 Excellence in Education Scholarship which will be given at the HR Southwest Conference.

Kayli Huddleston

Kayli Huddleston

The HR Southwest Conference is the largest regional human resources conference in the country. Out of nominees from over 30 SHRM Student Chapters, Kayli was selected to attend the Southwest Regional HR Conference which will be held October 20-23 in Fort Worth, Texas. Participating in this conference will allow her to meet and connect with over 2,000 professional HR representatives. In addition to being publicly recognized during the event, Kayli will receive a $1,000 award plus the net proceeds from the Silent Auction to be held at the conference.

Kayli is very excited about the unique opportunities to learn and network with HR professionals. She says, “I am eager to learn all that I can about the HR field. I have had great classroom preparation, but the conference will give me a more real world concept of the inner workings of HR.”

Kayli is hoping to pursue an entry level career in human resource management in either the Fort Worth or Austin area. She sees a career in the HR field as the perfect opportunity to minister and help people in ways that other areas of a company cannot. Congratulations to Kayli Huddleston who is a great example of how COBA seeks to educate students for Christian service and leadership in the global market.