Faculty Photography events this fall

This semester faculty are invited to join us at one of two events that aim to build confidence in digital photography. Space will be limited, so please RSVP using one of the forms below.

Digital Academy in Gruene

The weekend of Fall Break, Nil Santana will help faculty at any any level get the most out of their camera. The workshop will include sessions on shooting portraits, architecture, and landscapes, with breaks where participants learn to read a photograph.

Lightpainting at Fort Griffin

In September we’re inviting Digital Academy alumni and interested faculty and staff to join us at Fort Griffin for our first lightpainting outing. All participants will need a tripod and SLR camera (*a limited number of each available for checkout from the Learning Studio). Event begins with dinner at the Beehive in Albany at 7:00pm.

Donald Simpson

Digital Storytelling facilitator training

This last week Joe Lambert from the Center for Digital Storytelling joined us for a one-week follow-up to our workshop last May. During the week he and Beverly Bickel from CDS trained on-campus volunteers to facilitate future digital storytelling workshops.

As part of the facilitator training, a small group of campus volunteers went through a “workshop within a workshop” where they created stories of their own. See below for select stories from each workshop..


Digital Stories – August 2011

Digital Stories – May 2011


Digital Storytelling Workshop Reflections – May 2011


Summer schedule in the Learning Studio

Just a heads-up on summer plans for the Learning Studio. During the school year, we’re focused on serving students and faculty on campus but as those numbers drop off during the summer we’ll be working with a number of campus guests.

During each event, all Learning Studio spaces and equipment will be reserved for the use of the visitors in each program.

June 27 – July 1

Next Generation Learning Challenges Grant

Dr. Cynthia Powell and the Adams Center will be working with math and sciences faculty to scale her work with inquiry-based learning to other campuses. For more information on the grant, read the news release.

July 11-15 & July 18-22

K-12 Digital Learning Institutes

Dr. Billie McConnell and the College of Education & Human Services will host two groups of K-12 faculty in the month of July to develop skills for teaching and communicating with new mobile tools.

For More Information

Here are a couple videos offering details on these programs.

Watch video

Digital Storytelling workshop

A remarkable three days in the Learning Studio with our first Digital Storytelling workshop led by Joe Lambert and Mary Ann McNair of the Center for Digital Storytelling.

Twelve faculty members were joined by Adams Center staff and media specialists to produce first-person narratives and understand the future of digital storytelling in the general curriculum. Remarkable first efforts from our faculty.



Interview with Joe Lambert – executive director of the CDS


Digital Stories



Advanced Composition videos

Dr. Cole Bennett’s ENGL 325: Advanced Comp students produced Literacies projects that premiered this afternoon.

Student readings all semester focused on “theories of literacy from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, paying particular attention to readings that emphasize social and political issues related to reading and writing.” The course concluded with individual students or groups producing short videos that extended the focus of the course to consider other cultural literacies:

“Rhetorically, this video should attempt to convince the viewer that 1) the activity under consideration qualifies as an expanded form of literacy; and 2) society would benefit as a whole if such argument were accepted. How does the subject fall under a definition of literacy? Which definition? Why does it matter? How are our lives enriched if we agree with you? How might your opponents disagree with you, and how would you address such concerns?”

Thanks again to students from ENGL 325 for working with us in the Learning Studio. Here are a few examples of their work.
