LS Blog

News and updates from the Learning Studio

ACU at home in Germany

This week ACU opens a new home base for students studying in Leipzig, Germany. You’ll hear more about the exciting history and location of this property in the future, but we wanted to give you a first look. The following 360 photos and video were taken during a digital storytelling workshop with Study Abroad students last spring, so the facility has already changed a lot but this will give you a virtual visit to the new ACU villa.

Germany is an exciting place to study right now, with dynamic modern cities like Berlin and Leipzig, and historical centers like the city of Wittenberg, where Martin Luther published his 95 Theses 500 years ago this month. The ACU in Germany 360 video gave us a chance to explore a little more of what immersive experiences can do.

The videos are best viewed in a Chrome browser or using the Vimeo app on a smartphone or tablet. All video was shot on a Nikon Keymission 360 4K camera that uses two fish-eye lenses pointing opposite directions and then stitches the two together. Come see us in the Learning Studio if you’re interested in shooting some 360 video of your own!




LS Productions

Your Story Starts Here – Learning Studio trailer

Dutch Lady – faculty member discovers new play

Vision in Action – spotlight on Halbert-Walling project

Cup of Coffee – Chandler Graf’s talk for TEDxACU 2017

Proposing a Solution video essays

Media projects continue to gather strength across the curriculum, sometimes building on essential literacies of writing or speaking. This semester Dr. Laura Carroll's English 111: Composition and Rhetoric students produced short video responses to the typical...

#12apps – Changing the way we create

The iPod is 10 years old this fall and most of us can remember the first time we ever picked one up. The smooth action of the scroll wheel with the slight click as you moved through albums or artists. In 2001, the iPod seemed like the evolution of the music...

Jacob’s Dream on Photosynth

This semester we asked a hundred freshmen in separate Cornerstone sections to take photos that included the Jacob's Dream angels. Our object was to illustrate the way disciplines in the liberal arts attempt to provide a more complete view of the human and our relation...

#12apps – Changing the way we begin

We often focus on how technology is transforming the way we share finished ideas with a global audience. Easily overlooked is the role they now play on the other end of the creative process. When many of us are ready to begin a project, sketch out an idea, or draft a...

#12apps before Christmas

#12apps before Christmas

The Learning Studio is heralding the holiday season with 12 days of giveaways. For the first 12 days of December, we’re giving away our favorite 12 apps with an assortment of gear to brighten the final days of the semester. *Details below for how to enter.  How To...

Speak Up slam poetry reading tonight

  In case you missed it, a great promotional video for the Wishing Well slam poetry event at Edwards dorm tonight at 8pm. Students Invited to Stand Up, Speak Out - Optimist story, 11/29/11 Wishing Well - Water for the World ....

Miss Frontier Texas campaign

Congrats to the staff at Morris & Mitchell, ACU's student-run Ad/PR agency, for kicking off the upcoming Miss Frontier Texas campaign. Young women from around Abilene will compete for $3,000 in scholarships in an original blend of "frontier" pageant categories....

Writing Center promo video

Writing Center promo video

One assignment in the English grad class Rhetorical Theory & Praxis (ENGL 652) focuses on student readings in the theory behind composition instruction and support in writing centers. This semester Dr. Bennett offered students the option of producing a promotional...

24FPS next weekend

24FPS next weekend

For fans of FilmFest, the Paramount will be hosting their annual short film festival next weekend, with programs Friday night (4th) and Saturday afternoon and evening (5th). 24FPS is an international film festival that brings important work in animation, documentary,...