Here is some helpful information from SOAR regarding their role in assisting faculty with students who need to switch to remote learning or back to in-person learning.
  • When a student is approved for remote online learning by the ACU Medical Clinic, the faculty will get a formal notification from SOAR of this approval.
  • Once a student is approved for return from the ACU Medical Clinic, they will get another formal notification from SOAR.
  • If a student is struggling to adapt to remote online learning or transition back to in-person learning, faculty can submit a recommendation to SOAR for the student.
  • If a student is having to isolate/quarantine, they are being offered a Care Coordinator who will serve these students with support, encouragement, and help with basic needs/resources.
  • Any and all academic communication regarding a student will always come from SOAR and it should not come from a Care Coordinator. Our hope is to keep communication with faculty consistent and align with what we have always done in the past.
  • If a student discloses to faculty that they may have been exposed or they are experiencing symptoms, please encourage them to set up an appointment with the ACU Medical Center as soon as possible – or 325-674-2625.