As the semester approaches, the reality of ChatGPT (and other large-language-model tools) use looms large. Students across higher ed report that they use AI extensively, and many faculty are designing ways to use AI in class assignments, activities, and scaffolding.

We need to be having conversations with our students around our expectations, requirements, and policies for AI use in our classrooms. As you design policies about AI use in assignments, and assessments, you should first consider the purpose what you are asking students to complete. Some task lend themselves well to AI use, and others, like understanding a new idea through writing, are undermined by AI use.

Your classroom conversations and your syllabus should both be clear about do’s and don’t’s. As you think about syllabus policies, look through Kevin Gannon’s suggestions in this Chronicle piece, “Should You Add an AI Policy to Your Syllabus?”  You might also check out Derek Bruff’s  — next May’s Faculty Institute speaker — blog post, “Assignment Makeovers in an AI Age” and Purdue Global’s Faculty Resources.

The faculty who presented at Fusion are graciously willing to share their policies. You can find them in this folder.