University Access Programs is offering academic coaching for all students seeking to improve their academic performance. UAP has a Canvas Course filled with resources. Self-enroll for this course here.


A service of University Access Programs

  1. Who can receive academic coaching?

Priority will be given to 1st-and 2nd-year students, Alpha Scholars, and Athletes.  Other students will be prioritized according to need and other critical academic issues that may be going on.

  1. What will academic coaching consist of?

Sessions will be scheduled in 30-minute to 60-minute increments and are intended to be short-term and time-limited to address critical concerns related to the transition to online learning, semester grades, or any other academic concerns that may impact their ability to be successful this semester and/or return next semester. 

  1. Who can make referrals and what does the process look like?

Referrals can be made by any student, staff, or faculty member. A member of the Academic Coaching team will reach out to students with a request for an intake meeting to better understand the need, and to determine the best mode of communication to address it: email, phone, face to face, or a Zoom meeting.

  1. Who is providing the service?

UAP staff and graduate interns. Departmental student workers may be asked to participate depending on the need.

  1. How can I contact the staff about this program?

We are funneling all communication related to coaching to  In addition to the referral form, please feel free to use this email address to ask questions, discuss students’ needs in greater detail, etc.

  1. Anything else I should know?

If appropriate depending on the situation, UAP staff will refer the student to another department.

Academic Coaching Blurb