ACCESS Conference March 3-6

The Adams Center is pleased to host the ACCESS Association of Christian Distance Educators on ACU’s campus March 3-6.  This year’s theme is “iACCESS: Mobile and Social Learning in Christian Distance Education.”  Information about conference...

ACCESS Conference March 3-6

<![CDATA[The Adams Center is pleased to host the ACCESS Association of Christian Distance Educators on ACU's campus March 3-6.  This year's theme is "iACCESS: Mobile and Social Learning in Christian Distance Education."  Information about...

Mobile Device Reimbursement Forms

The deadline for submitting reimbursement requests is April 1, 2013. Faculty can check their eligibility here. If your name does not show up, but you are teaching this year, you are eligible. All types of reimbursement require a copy of your receipt plus one of the...