COBA Alumni Join Together For Compete With Honor Fundraising Effort

Story by Hanna Roberts, junior marketing major

We are thrilled to announce that more than 80 of our COBA alumni joined together to fund the COMPETE WITH HONOR section of Wildcat Stadium, surpassing the $100,000 goal by more than $25,000.

COBA is the academic home for many current and former ACU athletes. The stadium construction will be completed in time for the first home game on September 16, 2017, against Houston Baptist. This will be the first game played on campus since 1958 and everyone – athletes, students, faculty and staff alike – are enthusiastic to see football return to ACU’s grounds.

The new stadium, coupled with new head Coach Adam Dorrel’s experience and strategic plans for the program, will invigorate ACU Athletics’ culture. Dorrel’s overarching goal for the season is to get players, coaches, and everyone associated with the football program involved in and developing a new philosophy. “We will become more serious about academics and training – diet, nutrition, and practicing like they will play,” says Dorrel. “We want those in the program to treat each other properly as well as those outside of the program.”


Time lapse photo of current construction on Wildcat Stadium


The football practice field overlooks the rising stadium and players are inspired by the excitement of seeing their new home grow closer to completion. Not only will the culture of the football program become more enriched by the addition of the stadium, the student body as a whole will be greatly impacted. Students are getting enthused about football in new ways and are looking forward to establishing new traditions. Dorrel thinks that alumni will also be reenergized by the new addition and hopes that they will not be made proud “by wins, but by the whole, holistic athlete the program is supporting.”

COBA would like to thank our alumni for their generosity and involvement. We hope that you will join us in the fall for the opening of Wildcat Stadium. Go Wildcats!

Spotlight on Karen St. John

What is your educational background?

  • BBA in Business Computer Information Systems, UNT cum laude
  • MS in Information Technology, UNT


Karen St. John


What is your work background?

  • Worked as an Academic Advisor – ten years both graduate and undergraduate
  • Computer Audit Specialist training for IRS/ Treasury department for seven years
  • Started teaching at the University level in 2009


What do you teach at ACU?

Information Technology courses: Scripting, Networking, Database Administration


What committees/other duties do you have at ACU aside from teaching?

  • Board member for family business – Pinecrest Cemetery in East Texas
  • Wife, married 17 years (18 this May)
  • Mom to six kids


The St. John Family


What drew you to teaching? Why did you want to work with students?

I have always loved to learn as much as possible.  Working with students is enjoyable and rewarding.


What’s the best part of working with students?

Taking an intimidating concept, breaking it down and explaining it, and watching students have the “lightbulb” moment when it clicks.


Have you ever given up any big opportunities to keep working with students?

Turned down opportunity to work at a major bank doing anti-money laundering.


Outside of teaching, what passions and hobbies do you have?

I love to cook. We live in the country and have chickens, sheep, goats, and cattle.


Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career.

I was recognized by the Treasury department for my contribution and efforts in working with the Regulatory Audit division, which was nice.  However, I am most proud that I have balanced having a big family with my career.  Most of the women I went to school with had to choose one or the other.


Who is your role model, and why?

I think my Dad is my biggest role model.  He has a strong work ethic, is smart, unselfish and one of the best examples of what a good Christian looks like.  His professional career was that of a programmer and database administrator.  He has been a song leader at church for as long as I can remember.  He has been happily married to my mom for over fifty years.


Who was your most inspirational professor and why?

I was incredibly fortunate to earn my degree at UNT.  I had several professors that taught me important lessons that I try to pass on to my students.  Dr. Steve Guynes taught me that the way to look good is to make everyone around you look good.


What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?

I learned handwriting analysis for a project in a government class once.  And I am colorblind.


What would you really want students and alums to know about you?

I feel incredibly blessed to be working at ACU.  I love to come to work every day!  The students are fantastic.  The faculty and staff are wonderful to work with.

COBA Celebrates the MAcc Class of 2017

COBA honored the MAcc (Master of Accountancy) class of 2017 at a luncheon on Tuesday, May 2nd that was sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

Amanda Stephens receives MAcc award from Dr. Curtis Clements

Amanda Stephens was named the Outstanding MAcc Graduate of the Year.  As an undergraduate student, Amanda majored in Accounting with minors in Spanish, Sociology, and Public Service. Amanda will start full-time in January with Whitley Penn in its Forensic, Litigation, and Valuation Services Department.

Chris Baker, partner with PwC and ACU alum, addressed the graduates and encouraged them to live a life of authenticity and integrity in all that they do. He also impressed upon them the need to give back to the world around them.


Dr. David Perkins

Dr. David Perkins gave a blessing over the graduates, reading Deuteronomy 8, and exhorting them to never forget the Lord, live humbly and remember that everything has been given to them by God – including their abilities.

MAcc Class of 2017

Graduates, your adventure begins now. Congratulations to the Master of Accountancy graduating class of 2017!

To download and/or order prints of pictures from the luncheon, click here.

Visiting Committee Provides Insight To COBA Leadership

On March 27th, COBA hosted Visiting Committee and Dean’s Council members on campus. The Visiting Committee provided feedback on each academic program to help evaluate and improve the learning experience for each major. Thirty-three alumni with careers in various disciplines traveled across Texas and represented accounting firms, Fortune 500 companies, fast-growing startups, and nonprofit organizations.

Because of the diversity of industries and career experience among our alumni, COBA was able to obtain a wide range of insight. Tim Johnston, Assistant Dean, stated that “The visiting committee was pleased to hear that ACU has sustained our long-standing advantage of personal attention and instruction by professors who excel in their discipline and are committed Christians.”

The visiting committee reviewed business and technology degree plans, met with students, talked to faculty members, and offered their recommendations for improvement in all areas of the student experience. This helps keep COBA in-tune with the expectations that employers and companies have for our graduates, and helps us clarify our priorities and goals. The members are deeply committed to the mission of ACU, Business and Technology education and their advice will strengthens our strategic plan.

The visiting committee talked to students directly about their experiences in COBA. The most outstanding aspect of COBA, according to the students, was the personal attention received from prepared professors who care about their scholarship and students as individuals. Leah Montgomery, junior marketing major, had the opportunity to talk with committee members. Montgomery values “being included in the conversations about our classes and majors” and appreciates COBA’s measures to include and place weight upon student input.

The visiting committee also met with students to network at a root beer float mixer held in the COBA atrium. Students were able to meet with professionals in their field, ask questions about careers and opportunities, and solicit advice from our experienced alumni. Bethani Culpepper, sophomore management major, said that she “received valuable advice from accomplished and professional individuals who have been in her shoes” and that the networking event was her favorite part of the day.

COBA would like to thank the Dean’s Council and Visiting Committee for giving of their time and talents to help us continue to improve and provide distinctive offerings to current and future students.

The Perfect Match: COBA Student Donates Bone Marrow

Chris Kirklin, senior financial management major from Richardson, TX, has been very active on campus during his time at ACU. Among some of his accomplishments, he has served as the 2016-17 president of men’s social club, Trojans, has been part of A Cappella, and has worked in the COBA Dean’s Suite. Chris is not only an exceptional student – he is an exceptional human being. He was matched through a drive on the ACU campus to add new bone marrow donors to the national bone marrow registry. We hope when you read his story below, you’ll consider registering or giving to this organization to help save a life.


Chris Kirklin


Let’s start from the beginning – how did you find out about Delete Blood Cancer and what motivated you to sign up? How did you sign up?

 I have known Earl Young for several years, since he goes to my church in Dallas. Earl came to ACU to speak in Chapel about registering to be a donor in April of 2015. I remember sitting in that chapel and not paying much attention because 1) I already knew everything about his organization and 2) I was very burned out as the semester came to an end. I left chapel in a hurry and cut through the campus center to make it to class. One of my nursing friends was running the table to swab and sign up to be a donor. Selfishly, I tried to walk as fast as I could so I would not have to stop and register. But she screamed my name across the campus center and summoned me over to register. Looking back on this experience, I have realized how close minded I was. I was almost too selfish to take literally 2 minutes out of my day to register to save someone’s life. This totally changed my perspective on how I focus on “giving” to others.


How long after signing up were you contacted by Delete Blood Cancer asking you donate?

 I swabbed in April of 2015, and was called in January of 2017 by the organization DKMS, which runs the Delete Blood Cancer campaign.


What was the donation procedure like? Did anything about it surprise you?

 When DKMS calls you for the first time, you are listed as a preliminary match. After a lot of paper work and more detailed blood tests, about a month later I was notified that I was a perfect match for the patient. I did some more paperwork, and made a trip to the donation center to get a physical exam done, before my donation. The week of my donation, I received an injection called filgrastim, which serves to boost stem cell production so there is plenty to extract at the day of the donation. About two and a half months after I had first been contacted, I donated my stem cells. It took about 5 and a half hours to extract all that they needed for the donation.


Can you describe the pain or sensation for the couple of days after the injections and donating itself?

Leading up to the donation, I was in a lot of pain. I had the worst headaches I had ever had in my life, which prevented me from doing daily activities. I felt fatigued and achy (all from the injections). I began to get frustrated with how I was feeling, and remember having the feeling of “I just want this all to be over”. But that was not the point. None of this was about me. This was about God making it possible for someone to give life to someone suffering. None of the pain I was going through that week was near as great as my match.


Chris and his nurse pose for a pic during the donation process


How much inconvenience did the whole process cause you?

As I touched on in the previous question, there were definitely some days where I was having a bad attitude about the whole process. But in the grand scheme of things, this was such a simple and easy process. I was able to keep on track with my schoolwork and job, all while going through the process.


How were you treated by DKMS?

DKMS does an exceptional job of treating the donors well. Every time I spoke with them on the phone or had some sort of communication with them, they were extremely helpful and thankful for my time. They provided lodging and meals for my travel expenses, and made me feel extremely prepared for the donation.


Have you met the person who received your stem cells? Would you like to meet them?

I have not met my match yet. I will not be able to for several years, and I definitely want to meet them! I hope they will want to meet me as well. I also will not be able to know if the donation was successful until about halfway through the summer.


How did your friends and family react when you were asked to donate?

 They were amazed and very supportive of me. I also had a few other friends that were matched as donors who reached out to me.


Was there anything about this experience that surprised you? Anything it made you realize or look at in a different light?

The most important thing I learned throughout this process is that we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus to everyone. I still am almost “haunted” that at a time I almost didn’t register to be a donor, because none of this would have happened. This donation process made me realize that I can be extremely selfish at times, and that is not how Jesus was to others. I need to give, in any way that I can, to help further the Kingdom and glorify God. This process has changed my life in such an amazing way. I feel like I see God working in so many more ways now than I did before.


What would you say to anyone considering registering for the Bone Marrow Registry?

 There is no reason that we can’t at least try to help someone in need. Less than 1% of registered donors ever get contacted, but just the fact that you are willing to be there for someone in need is so powerful. I can’t think of any easier way to save someone’s life than being a part of the Bone Marrow Registry. There are so many sick people out there who have very little hope at life, and they would cherish forever the opportunity for someone to give them a second chance at life.


Anything else that you would like to add about your experience?

 I hope others read this story and are able to see that I am a normal person, who had reservations about registering, and am in no way perfect. I never would have thought that I, out of the millions in the registry, would be the ONLY match for someone with blood cancer. There is nothing to lose by registering, and you never know how God could be calling you to give, even in an unexpected way.

Ruth Allen Griggs Honor Luncheon Brings Students and Donors Together

Ann Berger chats with Clint Buck

On Tuesday, March 28th, generous donors, COBA scholarship recipients, COBA sophomores, members of COBA’s Dean’s Council, and COBA faculty and staff gathered at a luncheon inspired by the memory of Ruth Allen Griggs. Ruth’s children, Jack Griggs and Ann Griggs Berger, along with their respective spouses, Ann Griggs and the late Bob Berger, established an endowment in 2015 to honor their mother and her spirit of generosity by

Dr. Jack Griggs and Ann Berger get to know COBA students Sheena Thompson and Tony Maldonado

having a yearly luncheon bringing together COBA donors and students. The purpose of the luncheon is to honor and thank donors for the scholarships given to the College of Business that allow so many students to attend ACU and to participate in many of the experiential learning opportunities that COBA offers. This year, sophomore students were added to the invitation list so that they could learn what COBA values the most, particularly those ideals related to gratitude and generosity.

COBA students Georgi Hannah, senior accounting major from Kearney, MO, and Casey McMullin, junior financial management major from Colorado Springs, CO, spoke to the audience about what receiving COBA scholarships has meant to them and the impact that it has had on their education and experiences at ACU. In her speech to the audience, Georgi spoke about the many opportunities she has been able to participate in because of generous donors and said, “”Someday I hope that I can sit where you are now. I pray that I will be as generous and kind as you have been to me and the rest of ACU.” Casey stated, “ACU is a place where I have learned how to live up to my God given potential… and I already feel as though I am making a true difference in the world.”

Bill Minick, finance alumnus (class of 1982) from Dallas, spoke to the crowd about founding PartnerSource, an employee benefits and risk management consulting firm which  became a leader in the worker’s compensation insurance industry and helped create a competitive market system in Texas. After being acquired by Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., Minick was able to use money from the sale of the company to support causes close to his heart, including giving money to the College of Business at ACU. He stressed to the audience the importance of not only giving of your money but also of your time in order to make the world around you a better place.

Dr. Brad Crisp, Dean for the College of Business, thanked everyone for sharing their stories and said, “In this room are generous people and the students they’ve touched. Those who give to COBA with their time and money make so many things possible, and we want to honor you for that. We’re also here because we hope that in giving our students an opportunity to meet COBA donors that you too might be inspired to bless those who come behind you after you leave ACU.” Dr. Crisp also stated, “COBA’s donors make so many things possible. Their generosity eases the burden of tuition on our students and enables us to constantly innovate in our goal to consistently provide high quality educational experiences. We’re so thankful for their support and giving spirit.”

KeeAnna Ward, marketing major talks with Jennifer Crisp

Students and Donors get to know each other