Literacy video projects from Advanced Comp

Thanks to Dr. Cole Bennett and his ENGL 325: Advanced Comp class for sharing their Literacies projects again this year. .

The course introduces students to “theories of literacy from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, paying particular attention to readings that emphasize social and political issues related to reading and writing.” then concluded with student-produced videos introducing a cultural literacy of their own:

“Rhetorically, this video should attempt to convince the viewer that 1) the activity under consideration qualifies as an expanded form of literacy; and 2) society would benefit as a whole if such argument were accepted. How does the subject fall under a definition of literacy? Which definition? Why does it matter? How are our lives enriched if we agree with you? How might your opponents disagree with you, and how would you address such concerns?”

Here are a few examples of their work.


VIDEO: How to Read a Book in 2013

In August How to Read a Book hit 20,000 views. Congrats Hilary!

At the end of the semester, we get a lot of notes from faculty with strong examples of student video projects (we’ll share of few of those this next week). It’s typically a good sign when students begin sharing links to their classmates’ projects. High praise indeed.

This example came from a couple students who thought Hilary Commer’s “How to Read a Book in 2013” was the complete package. Strong, sharp writing. Carefully composed visuals. And directing and performances that accentuate humor without overdoing it. And shot on Learning Studio camera to boot! A great combination we think you’ll enjoy.


How to Read a Book in 2013

Produced for Cade White’s Introduction to Visual Media,  How-To Video assignment

“Did you find an odd box with pieces of paper inside? It might be a book! Some of them still have real pages—and I’ll show you just how to read one.”


Tepper workshop with ACU Theatre

Several months ago Adam Hester, Department of Theatre chair, let us know that folks from the Tepper Semester program in New York would be on campus. They hosted a film casting workshop that gave ACU students experience working with professional casting directors.



Thanks to Matt Bardwell and Nathan Driskell in the Learning Studio for filming the auditions, giving students a glimpse of themselves on the big screen.

FilmFest: Lost and Found at Paramount

Some remarkable talent at FilmFest this weekend at the premiere downtown last night at the historic Paramount Theater. If you missed it, here are the films that were featured this year with the awards handed out last night.

For a look back at winners in previous years, check the FilmFest Archive put together by Learning Studio students last semester.



Best Film – “Umbrella”
Best Dramatic Film – “The Mover”
Best Music Video – “Hope on Fire”

Best Director – Caitlin Bradford, “The Mover”
Best Producer – Stephen Estrada, “Nerf Wars”
Best Writer – David McMichael, “The Mover”
Best Technical Director – Lucius Patenaude, “Red Rubber Ball”
Best Sound Design – “The Mover”

Best Actor – Nick Palmieri, “Red Rubber Ball”
Best Actress –  Lauren Mesaros, “Umbrella”






Images of Aging winners

The Images of Aging photography contest, sponsored by Pruett Gerontology Center, is now in its third year. They’ve announced student winners in three categories. Thanks to Sue Garcia and Charlie Pruett for letting the Learning Studio be a part.

aging1Black and White Photography

First Place – Tara Holland, “Love Never Lets Go”

Honorable Mention – Allye Foster, “Aged Beauty”


Color Photography

First Place – Asia Todd, “Smiles in the Pasture”

Honorable Mention – Deanna Romero, “True Peruvian”


Mobile Photography

First Place – Theo Omileru, “A Gala Moment”

Honorable Mention – Brandy Rains, “Papa’s Pickup”


For a list of past winners, see the Images of Aging blog.