LS Blog

News and updates from the Learning Studio

Video Storytelling for ACU’s Presession

For this year’s ACU Faculty Presession, the Learning Studio was tasked with spotlighting Summer Shakespeare in the Department of Theatre, and the NEXT Lab in the Department of Engineering & Physics. The resulting short videos gave our faculty audience a window into a couple of the campus’s recent successes.


LS Productions

Your Story Starts Here – Learning Studio trailer

Dutch Lady – faculty member discovers new play

Vision in Action – spotlight on Halbert-Walling project

Cup of Coffee – Chandler Graf’s talk for TEDxACU 2017

Bill Frakes projects this last week

Bill Frakes projects this last week

Thanks to so many in the College of Arts and Sciences this week, we had a great visit with Bill Frakes and Laura Heald from Sports Illustrated and Straw Hat Visuals. Bill and Laura were open to working with a wide range of students, so we had a full week. . Studio...

Bill Frakes on campus Oct. 1

We're delighted to announce that next week Sports Illustrated photographer Bill Frakes will be on campus. Bill has covered major sporting events around the world in a career that has spanned profound transitions in journalism and his own work first as a photographer...

Learning Studio presents at World Maker Fair

This past weekend, more than 65,000 people converged on the New York Hall of Science for World Maker Faire, an international event that speaks its own unique language: makerspaces, hackerspaces, 3D printing, CNC routers and Raspberry Pi.
World Maker Faire is one of 60 events sponsored by MAKE magazine this year to showcase the energy and creativity of a new generation of inventors, hobbyists and programmers.

Writing Center parodies

In 2011 shy, unassuming Writing Center director Dr. Cole Bennett stunned audiences with his riveting portrayal of a shmarmy boss in their first promotional parody of The Office. This fall he returns in a more ambitious role inspired by the hoity grammarians at Downton...

Maker film rolls on

Maker film rolls on

We released our first short documentary We Are Makers in June and it keeps on rolling. We're approaching 10,000 views in the first two months in over 60 countries, so obviously we're pleased with the initial reception. . . Two opportunities...

We Are Makers released

We Are Makers released

Last week we released a short documentary on the Maker Movement as part of broader discussions on campus about the value of "learning by doing." We're pleased to share it with the ACU community as so many here on campus contributed to its final shape. We spent several...

Storytelling in Leipzig

This spring the Learning Studio worked with Dr. Houston Heflin as part of our first digital storytelling project overseas. We worked with Houston and his students before they left the States to begin thinking about media projects they would complete mid-way through...

Storytelling in Creative Writing program

Storytelling in Creative Writing program

Al Haley, writer-in-residence and professor of English, was an alum of our very first digital storytelling workshop in 2011 and has been helping us lead faculty workshops on campus for the last year. His work with the scholarly storytelling group last December helped...

Literacy video projects from Advanced Comp

Thanks to Dr. Cole Bennett and his ENGL 325: Advanced Comp class for sharing their Literacies projects again this year. . The course introduces students to "theories of literacy from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, paying particular attention to readings that...