Jennie Magner's Archive

Jason Lee

3 Commentsby   |  11.25.14  |  Student Posts

Although Jason Lee is normally a wedding photographer, he took a break with these adorable, hilarious images of his daughters. I love the playful colors and compositions used, and the amount of fun these shoots looked like.creative-children-photography-jason-lee-3 jason-lee-taz-35339471-xyo-700x468 creative-children-photography-jason-lee-10

Ken Kaminesky

2 Commentsby   |  11.16.14  |  Student Posts

Ken Kaminesky is a travel photographer based out of Canada. The majority of his images are created while traveling, and focus on architectural works and landscapes. Definitely check out his work here:!/index

Some work:




Hannu Huhtamo

4 Commentsby   |  11.16.14  |  Student Posts

Hannu Huhtamo is a photographer who paints with light. The work he creates is incredibly intricate, and he creates his images straight from photographs without any post editing. Check out his work here:

Some of his work:




Zac Freeman

4 Commentsby   |  11.16.14  |  Student Posts

Although Zac Freeman is not necessarily a photographer, his artwork is a great example for our upcoming project, building portraits out of found objects. His work is made out of junk and disposable trash, and he creates the images by gluing the individual pieces to canvas. He says that the trash he uses is representative of the cultural changes in society. Freeman has used everything from film canister tops to iPhones to expand on the concept that things that are “desired one year [become] archaic the next as society, technology, and consumables continue to change.”

Here are some examples of his work:



Storyteller Michael Wolf

4 Commentsby   |  10.10.14  |  Announcements

While looking for some inspiration for our storytelling project, I stumbled across photographer Michael Wolf. I’d definitely encourage looking at some of his images and through the different photography series he has online. The majority of his images focus on one particular object in large cities; one of my favorite of his series is his Paris rooftop documentation (a few images shown below).

His website is:

Screen Shot 2014-10-10 at 12.28.01 PM Screen Shot 2014-10-10 at 12.27.45 PM

Charles C. Ebbets

2 Commentsby   |  09.23.14  |  Announcements

Charles C. Ebbets was an American photographer born in the early 20th century. Supposedly, his love of photography began at only the age of eight, when he purchased his first camera at a drugstore, charging it onto his mother’s account. One of his most famous photographs is “Lunch Atop a Skyscraper” (pictured below), which has a few conspiracy theories surrounding it. For years, this image was shot by an “unknown” photographer, until 2003, when credit was given to Ebbets. However, there is still some debate on whether or not he took the picture. As well, some people claim that the shot was staged and the men were not actually eating lunch on the beam while working on the Rockefeller Center. Regardless of whether or not it was staged or who created it, it’s still a beautiful image and Ebbets remains an incredibly talented photographer.


Man Ray and the “Rayograph”

4 Commentsby   |  09.06.14  |  Student Posts

While doing a bit of research on photograms, I stumbled across some of Man Ray’s work, a 20th century artist. Man Ray’s involvement with photograms, which he later called “rayographs,” was apparently the result of a mistake Man Ray made while developing some photo paper. Although Man Ray did not create the concept of the photogram, it seems that he did bring them more popularity.

These two photograms (“rayographs”) are some of Man Ray’s work. I love the contrast of light and dark and the mysterious, beautiful quality these images have.

Image from

Jennie Magner's Comment Archive

  1. Brenee, these are absolutely stunning images; thanks for posting! The clarity of the images is amazing; you can see every little detail. I’m especially amazed by the animal eyes–I can’t imagine how much patience it would take to get those shots just right.

  2. Jennie Magner on Joanna Kustra
    9:35 pm, 11.25.14

    Cierra, thanks for posting these! I can’t get over the emotions she captured in these images–absolutely priceless! I also really enjoy the simplicity of these compositions and the beautiful lighting she uses.

  3. Jennie Magner on
    1:55 pm, 11.16.14

    Thanks for sharing, Brenee! Vivian Maier is such a talented photographer; I love how she documents everyday occurrences in such a beautiful way. The double film exposures are especially cool.

  4. Jennie Magner on Seth Casteel
    1:51 pm, 11.16.14

    Paige, thanks for sharing! These images are so striking! I’m so impressed that he’s able to combine elements that are difficult to control such as animals and water, and turn them into such cool compositions.

  5. Jennie Magner on Floating Graffiti
    1:35 pm, 11.16.14

    These images are so cool! I love the typography mixed with color. It’s incredible to think about the amount of time it would have taken to figure out how to map everything out to put everything in perspective.

  6. Jennie Magner on Tim Tadder
    11:55 am, 10.20.14

    Cierra, these pictures are amazing! I looked through the Water Wigs collection and was literally laughing. I’m inspired by his total creativity, the humor that went into the process, and the beautiful, striking images that resulted. Thank you for posting!

  7. Jennie Magner on Elena Kalis
    12:47 pm, 10.10.14

    Caroline, thank you for telling us about Elena Kalis! I was blown away while looking through her portfolio; her use of color and the creativity she uses in arranging her compositions is breathtaking! All of her images really have an “other-worldly,” ethereal feel, which I absolutely love.

  8. Jennie Magner on Edward Muybridge
    12:40 pm, 10.10.14

    Taylor, thanks for posting these beautiful images! These seem especially appropriate while we’re working on our sequential, storytelling images. I love the horse race; each shot within the series is incredible, as well as the overall picture!

  9. This image is so striking to me! Something about the symmetry of the shot, the little girls’ eyes, and the contrast between their dresses, collars, hair, and headbands really draws me in. Diane Arbus’ approach to photographing “regular” people resulted in some really beautiful pictures, and I’m thankful she was open enough to look around and recognize opportunities for a great image such as this one!

  10. This is a beautiful shot. The contrast between the sign, lettering, and the woman’s cloak really brings the viewer into the shot, first seeing “blind” and then focusing on the face of the woman, and what the sign means. I think through this image, Strand makes a statement on how we as a society tend to label and ostracize people.