Today Turnitin announced their Global Innovation Awards for 2016. ACU’s Karen Cukrowski and Steve Hare were two of three people to be listed in “honorable mention” for academic integrity in the North America Higher Education category. Turnitin’s press release described how Karen and Steve use Turnitin to enhance student writing:
“First, students will write and submit their rough drafts through Feedback Studio. Three class peers will review these drafts, evaluating against a set of questions similar to a rubric. All students are required to participate as peer reviewers, as it has an impact on their course grade. While reviewing, students certainly mark the papers. However, they are also required to fully respond to the set of questions about the papers they are critiquing, which demand that they write even more. The peer review is not anonymous, and the professors encourage their students to get up and ask each other questions about the papers they are reading. This contributes to the sense of community that is the very focus of the course. In fact, they have seen this process lead to deeper connections between their students. In Karen’s words:
‘It’s not just about the writing; it’s about the people.’ “
For further information, check here.
Congratulations to Karen and Steve. If you want to use Turnitin as well, please check our Turnitin Feedback Studio page, or contact the instructional design team at Adams Center for help.