If you hear from students that they cannot submit their Turnitin assignment in Canvas, one likely cause is that the due dates have passed.  Canvas-Turnitin due date conflict could also cause the problem.  To check and change, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the assignment with the problem;
  2. Click on “edit assignment settings”;

Edit Canvas setting

3. Check if the due date has passed.  Change if needed.

4. Save if you have made some changes to the due date.

Save in Turnitin setting

5. Look for Turnitin settings.  Depending on your screen size, it could be collapsed into these three bars, as shown below.

Three bar for Turnitin assignments

6. Click on “settings”.

Turnitin settings

7. Check the start date (when student can start to submit), due date (when assignment is due) and release date (when feedback is given to students) to make sure they are set in a way to allow submission.  Make change as needed.

Turnitin dates

8. If you want to allow late submissions, click on “optional settings”, as shown above.

9. Check to allow late submissions, if applicable.

Allow late submissions10.  Remember to save your change by clicking on “submit”.


If this does not solve the submission problem, please contact us for help.