How do I make a page a to-do item in Canvas?

Canvas items such as discussions, quizzes and assignments automatically generate calendar items in Canvas, when you set a due date. What about other things, such as things you want students to read, videos you want students to watch? I have found that you can add a...

Copy or send your Canvas content

When you want to import a specific item (page, assignment, quiz, discussion, etc) with yourself or your colleague, you had to use course export/import or Canvas Commons in the past.  Canvas has a new feature update now that allows faculty members to share single items...

Can you put your course on autopilot?

If you have some prerequisite skills that you would like students to acquire without taking up class time, you can automate the teaching of that content in Canvas. We recently worked with the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department in setting up a course...

How to clone a course in Canvas with new dates

If you have a lot of assignments you would like to change dates for, consider requesting to create a course instead of choosing the copy option. Once you have created a blank course this way, go to the course “settings,” then choose “import course...

Excuse a grade in Canvas

If there are situations that warrant it, you can excuse an individual grade from a particular student.  Check this video to learn how: If you would like to drop one or more grades in a grade category, you can also do so fairly easily.  Check this post for details....