LS Blog

News and updates from the Learning Studio

Introducing: Media Suites

It’s never been easier to start your next media project in the Learning Studio. This semester we’re introducing our brand new Media Suites—three reservable spaces focused on media creation, from filming and editing video to recording and editing audio.

Two of these rooms are located in our former Studio rooms. Studio 1 becomes Media 2: home to our redesigned One Button Studio, with upgrades to lighting, video quality, and with added curtain options. And Studio 2 is now Media 3: a professional audio suite with an upgraded digital interface and two studio mics connected to a 27-inch iMac. Whether you’re recording a quick video or launching a new podcast, these updated spaces are the place to start.

And first but not least is Media 1, a brand new space set to open later this year. Media 1 is geared toward student filmmakers, with a production-grade Mac to handle video up to 4K, along with a large flat-screen TV for playing back your creations at-scale.

The Learning Studio has always been a campus home for creators at ACU, and we can’t wait to see how you maximize our new Media Suites to make and share messages that matter.

Reserve a Media Suite, or any of our other group rooms, for up to two hours at a time up to a week in advance, at


LS Productions

Your Story Starts Here – Learning Studio trailer

Dutch Lady – faculty member discovers new play

Vision in Action – spotlight on Halbert-Walling project

Cup of Coffee – Chandler Graf’s talk for TEDxACU 2017

Rachel Held Evans and Dr. Beck

Thanks to the Honors College for bringing Christian author and blogger Rachel Held Evans to campus as part of Summit this year. Rachel is the author of Evolving in Monkey Town and is currently working on A Year of Biblical Womanhood. (See Mike Cope's blog for a nice...

Studio Lighting workshop

Studio Lighting workshop

Nil Santana's Advanced Photography class joined us in the Learning Studio last month for a couple days looking at studio lighting. Thanks to Kyle Trafton, one of our media production specialists, who helped Nil's students to get the most out of a variety of lighting...

Lightpainting at Fort Griffin

Lightpainting at Fort Griffin

This September we took a group of advanced photographers–and aspiring advanced photographers–out to Albany, Texas, to shoot the big sky. Nil Santana from the department of Art & Design worked to help participants get the most out of their cameras and find an...

Digital Storytelling with iMovie

Many students and faculty who visit the Learning Studio are new to video editing. Apple's iMovie software comes free on all Macintosh computers, so it's the most obvious place to begin.  The iLife suite–including iMovie, iPhoto, and GarageBand–is available on any Macs...

Featured in ACU Today profile

Featured in ACU Today profile

This last week the Learning Studio appeared in the summer issue of the alumni magazine, ACU Today. The article walks through some of the assumptions behind the design of the facility and the changing face of the 21st-century library: "Education is no longer about...

Digital Storytelling with Camtasia

The Learning Studio continues to work with students and faculty on a wide range of audio and video projects. One thing learned in our first year is the importance of selecting the right tools. Though some projects require actual video editing, Camtasia offers a simple...

Faculty Photography events this fall

Faculty Photography events this fall

This semester faculty are invited to join us at one of two events that aim to build confidence in digital photography. Space will be limited, so please RSVP using one of the forms below. Digital Academy in Gruene The weekend of Fall Break, Nil Santana will help...

Summer schedule in the Learning Studio

Just a heads-up on summer plans for the Learning Studio. During the school year, we're focused on serving students and faculty on campus but as those numbers drop off during the summer we'll be working with a number of campus guests. During each event, all Learning...