September 4 and 18– Faith and Nonviolence
How do we define violence? What is peace? Does Jesus call his followers to nonviolence? If so, what does that mean for us, practically? It is one thing to affirm in the abstract that Christ-followers are called to be peacemakers; it is another thing to put that calling into practice. In this two-part series we will explore the meaning and implications of Jesus’s teachings about peacemaking and nonviolence.

October 2 and 23 – Faith and Ecology
What is the Christian’s relationship to the earth? What does God desire for this relationship? How should Christians engage conversations about environmental harm and climate change? In this two-part series, we will think critically together about Christian perspectives on creation, environmental science, and the future of our planet.

November 6 and 20, December 4– Christian Perspectives on Heaven and Hell
A flyover of Christian history quickly reveals that Christians have long held a diverse range of perspectives on Heaven and Hell. While some perspectives may be considered more orthodox than others, diverse perspectives on what happens when we die have existed since the very beginning of the Christian movement in the first century. In this three-part series, we will talk about some of our varied perspectives, while exploring what the Bible says, and what Christian traditions have to offer.

Coffee Hour sessions are held at 2:00pm.