Collecting video assignments

You can use “Studio” to collect student videos as assignments. Video assignments can only be seen by you. If you want students to see each other’s videos, you could use the discussion tool, which can also be grade-able.  Check this tutorial for more...

How to drop a grade in Canvas

If you have a number of items such as papers or quizzes, create a group for them in Canvas assignments.  You can then drop one of the lowest grades in a category. Check this video to learn how to do it.

Adding a scheduler to your class

Having a way to schedule meetings easily increase participation in office hours, which in turn helps students succeed in their learning. There are many ways to schedule appointments within a specific time. Canvas has a scheduler in its calendar  It’s a very...

Adding Publications to Digital Commons From Activity Insight

When you add your publications to Activity Insight, you have the option to add them to ACU’s digital commons as well so that other readers can find and access them. Please check this video tutorial from ACU Library for details. Please check the Open Access and...

Sorting your content in Activity Insight reports

Activity Insight (Also known as Digital Measures) allows the option to automatically sort reports in a variety of format, which you might find helpful. For instance, you can auto-sort your scheduled teaching by semester/year, as shown in this tutorial: In the...