Use a semester template for your course

We have created a Spring 2017 template course with some common information you might find useful, especially if you are starting the course as a blank one with no content. The template include some generic university calendar items including the spring break,...

ACU Faculty Honored for Using Turnitin

Today Turnitin announced their Global Innovation Awards for 2016.  ACU’s Karen Cukrowski and Steve Hare were two of three people to be listed in “honorable mention” for academic integrity in the North America Higher Education category....

Encourage students to view your feedback

If you use Speedgrader in Canvas to mark student assignments, remember that some students may not know where to find your feedback. Here is a tutorial to help you see instructor feedback from a student view. Feel free to share the link to the video if needed:...

Common Turnitin Issues

We have had Turnitin integration in Canvas in a while and we have heard of a few issues which I would like to address in the following question and answer format. If you are a new user of Turnitin, please check this post for instructions on how to deploy the tool in...