Our Blog

Recent Entries

You’ll find the latest from the Adams Center staff here at the Adams Blog.  The content varies, but the subject is always the same: teaching and learning.

Student Fellows Blog Post: Group Work

By Student Fellows Cathy Zhou and Elizabeth Locke As we all know, having all kinds of group projects in our college life is an inevitable experience. Group projects have advantages and disadvantages. In this session, we brought up different perspectives about group...

Student Retention FAQs

How can individual faculty members attend to retention in our courses? When we think about retention in individual courses, there are two main areas to focus on: belonging and student success.  How can I cultivate belonging in my courses?  Tell students that you are...

AI Session 1 Spring 2023: What is Modern AI?

With the sudden increase in AI with the entrance of GPT3, faculty find themselves scrambling to arm themselves with good information about the educational ramifications of AI. Before looking at the implications for the classroom, learning about the basics of AI is...

A ChatGPT Cheat Sheet

Many of you have heard about the possible ways that new AI tools, particularly ChatGPT, might impact student work. ChatGPT is a recent and complex iteration of AI that uses natural language more so than previous bots. The Adams Center will be hosting a series this...

Faith Integration Teaching Squares, Spring ’23

As a faith-based university, we value the integration of faith and learning. This integration looks quite different from class to class and among various disciplines. Faith integration can feel organic and natural in certain classes and can feel contrived and...

University Access Programs: Alpha Scholars and Accommodations

University Access Programs Interim Director, Naoemi Sanchez, shared information about student accommodations at an Adams Center session. She outlined common questions and concerns. The following bulleted lists include many of those common questions. Naoemi welcomes...

Contact Us

Laura Carroll

Assistant Provost for Teaching, Learning and Vocational Formation

Scott Hamm

Assistant Director, Director of Pedagogical Partnerships

Rodney Ashlock

Director of Faculty Development

Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby

Director of Faculty Spiritual Formation

Amy Boone

Teaching and Learning Specialist

Hollye Jaklewicz

Event and Communication Specialist

Stephen Rektenwald

Assistant Director of Educational Technology

Brown Library Room #264
ACU Box 29201
Abilene, TX 79699-9201