COBA in Oxford: June 5th-7th, 2015

It’s been a busy few days for our COBA students and faculty. In keeping with our desire to have them narrate the blog, you’ll see posts throughout today highlighting several different authors. Read on to see what our students have been up to. Cheerio!

COBA in London: June 5th by Danae Basye

Yesterday was such an exciting first day in London for the COBA Study Abroad team! We began by visiting FitchRatings and ExxonMobil.

Oxford Exxon Mobil

Oxford Fitch ratings

It was such a benefit to hear from the businessmen themselves about how they run their global businesses successfully. We were treated with hospitality from both businesses by being provided with refreshments and having the ability to ask questions and talk with them one on one. After our business visits, we had the incredible opportunity to see Les Miserables in the Queen’s Theater.

Oxford les mis

Yesterday is a day that will be hard to forget. We are growing more and more every day by seeing global business models first hand and this is only the beginning!

COBA in London: June 6th by Zachary Bealmear

Today was a great day for everyone traveling around London. There were three to four groups who stuck together and toured around. Most everyone stayed overnight in a hostel. For quite a few it was their first time. At least two of the groups took tours by bus. One of the great notes about today was a few of the groups got to see a parade at Buckingham Palace. It was the Royal Guard’s rehearsal for the Queen’s birthday next week. It was quite a show.

london guards

A few of the groups took a cruise down the River Thames. Narration was witty, the sights were beautiful, and the air was brisk on deck.

castle tower of london

One thing that caught my eye was a small chalk drawing being made in Trafalgar square.

chalk artist

It was fairly simple group of world flags. I do not know whether the final picture was supposed to be flags of the world, EU countries, or former British colonies. Either way, it definitely was a great reflection of how London is a true cultural hub. Peoples of all nationalities come to London not just to tour, but to work, to trade, to live.


Overall, everyone got to see a piece of London. After everyone got back to the Oxford House, by train of course, we all shared a wonderful supper of delicious lasagna. It was prepared by Jackie, but of course she humbly said it was a group effort. I think after that meal, which of course was much needed after a long day of travel, they all deserve a big thanks. Unfortunately, as meals so good rarely last long, no picture is available.

COBA in Oxford: June 7th by Lakin Carpenter

Today was our first Sunday spent in Oxford and it has been an absolutely beautiful day. We got to sleep in this morning, which was so nice! The highlight of today was being able to go to Christ Church and experience their service, as well as look around the breathtaking grounds of the church.


As you can see in the picture, the church was gorgeous, both indoors and outside. My favorite thing about the service was the choir, and all the adorable little boys who had incredible voices! The church staff was so sweet and welcoming to our whole group.

stained glass window


After church a small group of us went to a cute little café for paninis and sweets! We also did a little shopping and bought some Oxford gear. Kaitlyn and Jamie tried a “macaroon frappe” from Paul’s which they highly recommend everyone try! (It was AMAZING)

Once we were done with church, lunch and shopping, a lot of people headed home to start on our hefty workload for the week. It was cool to reflect back on what we learned on our London visits, as well as to begin looking into Mini Cooper. I’m excited to tour the factory tomorrow!

We ended our day with 9 @ 9, and a lovely devotional.

devo in Oxford

It was nice to decompress from our eventful weekend and spend time in community with each other. Being on this trip, I am constantly reminded of how truly blessed we are to have this opportunity. We get the chance to further our education, as well as travel across the world and learn about so many different cultures, which not many people (especially this young) get to do. Week one is coming to a close, and I’m ecstatic to see what the next three weeks hold for us!

COBA in Oxford: Week One

COBA in Oxford 2015 logo

Dr. Rick Lytle and Assistant Professor Jennifer Golden, of ACU’s College of Business Administration, are leading a group of business students through a 5 week course where students can earn up to 6 hours of credit while studying in Oxford, England. We want to share their adventures with you, written through the eyes of the students as they will be guest contributors to our blog.  We hope you’ll join our amazing students and faculty on their journey through Europe!

COBA in Oxford: Week One by Ashlyn Anthony

oxfor week one image two

This morning we hit the ground running! Hopefully on the second full day of our study abroad journey, everyone was awake and ready to walk up to Wolfson College and start class. As we pass the energetic primary school children in north Oxford, I try to reflect their excitement for starting class at 8:00 am in the middle of our summer and remember how lucky I am to be a part of this experience.

oxford week one image four

In class, we looked specifically at the way McDonald’s has faced the challenges of international marketing. It was fascinating to consider all the different cultures that they must adapt to. In expanding the brand to India, they had to get rid of beef as one of their largest menu staples. This shows a huge need for flexibility and innovation in the field of international marketing.Oxford week one image one

We did a bit of adapting as well and had a nice break for tea and biscuits during class.

oxford tea and biscuits
At lunch time we were finished with class and given the task to do a case study for either Exxon Mobil or Hearst Media Company. Most of us then spent a large part of the afternoon working on these projects in preparation for our trip to London tomorrow. oxford week one image three

We had some time to explore the streets of Oxford as the sun doesn’t set here until after 9:00. Ellen and Sydney love the cobblestones and Gothic architecture around the Radcliffe Camera!

oxford image week one image five

Upon coming back to the house, many of us stayed up late packing for London and planning future trips. We are incredibly busy and are soaking in every moment of study abroad. I could not be more excited for London tomorrow and all of the experiences that lie ahead!

COBA Prepares for Summer Adventures Abroad!

COBA Study Abroad logo 11.26.13

This summer, COBA will have two groups participating in the study abroad program. Dr. Andy Little and Dr. Jim Litton will be taking a group of 10 students to China during the month of July. The group will be visiting three major cities in China: Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. Each city offers a different look at the Chinese culture, with Hong Kong and Shanghai evolving as the centers of business in Asia and Beijing, the country’s epicenter for cultural, educational and political matters. Students will earn course credit in Global Entrepreneurship and an Honors Colloquium for Business, Ethics, and Law. Dr. Andy Little is excited to expose students to an entirely new culture and learning experience. Dr. Little says, “China is quickly becoming one of the dominant players in the global business world. What better way is there to learn and understand the culture than to go visit and experience it? This learning experience will push students outside of their comfort zones, but in a safe, reflective, and healthy way.” The group will be touring several companies, participating in panel discussions, and going on numerous cultural visits, including the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City in Beijing.

COBA students enjoyed learning about the Chinese culture when they visited several summers ago.

COBA students enjoyed learning about the Chinese culture when they visited several summers ago.

Another group from COBA, led by Assistant Professor Jennifer Golden and Dr. Rick Lytle, will be studying in  Oxford, England in June. The classes that will be offered in Oxford include International Business and International Marketing. The group will visit and participate in active research with some of the world’s most renowned companies, including MINI Cooper, ExxonMobil, Johnson and Johnson, Oxford Analytica, Hearst Business Media, and Emerson Electric. They will also have the opportunity to hear lectures by local international scholars. In addition to the research and classroom work, students will be able to explore Europe. Students will have two free travel weekends, visit Normandy, France and see the musical, Les Miserables. Dr. Rick Lytle hopes that this trip will provide “global education which will broaden, challenge, and educate students’ minds and hearts.”

COBA students and Dr. Orneita Burton and Dr. Don Pope during last year's trip to Oxford.

COBA students with Dr. Orneita Burton and Dr. Don Pope during last year’s trip to Oxford.

Check back on our blog during the summer to read student excerpts from their travels around the world!

Tis the Season for Internships!

COBA encourages students to go outside of the classroom and gain real working experience from companies in the business world via internships. In addition to classroom preparation for job and internship searches, the COBA Connections and Career Development team aids students by connecting them with internships to businesses and industries that the individual student is interested in. These internship experiences allow students to learn from experienced mentors and discover what field of work they may have a passion or interest for. Some of the companies COBA students have interned with in the last year include World Vision, Holt Lunsford Commercial, PFSweb, USAA, Sam’s Club, Walmart, and Northern Trust.

Cason Ford, a senior marketing major from Burleson, TX, learned a lot about the oil and gas industry through his internship with Dunaway Associates, L.P., an engineering consulting services company. At Dunaway, Cason spent time working with a project manager in the office as well as working on a land surveying crew, learning about project management and the process of business operations. After graduation, Cason will work as a financial professional for AXA Advisors in Austin. With the help of the COBA Connections Career Development office, Cason was able to connect with an ACU alum who is on the AXA team in Austin. In addition to the Connections Office, Cason is also thankful for the experience he gained with Dr. Terry Pope and the STAR (Student Trading and Research) program, enabling him to learn the business terminology and financial knowledge that he will need for his career.

Cason Ford

“I feel confident entering this position because of the knowledge and skills I have learned while studying in COBA. I have learned the value of possessing and practicing with an entrepreneurial spirit, which is what I will need in my career,” says Cason.

Connor Osburn, a senior finance major from Southlake, TX, and the current President of Wildcat Ventures, has interned with both Holt Lunsford Commercial and Heil Trailer International. While at Holt Lunsford Commercial, he learned the ins and outs of commercial real estate, discovering how new developments can reflect the strength of a region’s economy and that location is key in any real estate investment. Going forward, Connor would like to pursue a finance role, specifically in analytics to identify young, promising companies. He is also interested in alternative energy/green technology and can see himself working with projects and companies in this industry.

connor osborne

Connor says, “COBA and the Griggs Center for Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy exposed me to interesting new ideas, creative thinkers, inspiring entrepreneurs and opportunities to learn about all different types of career paths. I owe a lot to the COBA professors who have been more than willing to offer me advice or point me in the right direction.”

Natalie Lemieux, a junior from McKinney, TX, has excelled with her internship experience. Natalie is pursuing a major in information systems with a minor in international studies and information technology. Last summer, she interned with Lennox International as a Commercial Business Systems Intern. Her biggest takeaway from the internship was learning how to deal with project management and the flexibility within handling those projects. This summer, she will be interning with PricewaterhouseCoopers with the Technology Consulting team. Eventually, Natalie wants to pursue her MBA in international business. Natalie is grateful for the Connections Office and COBA professors, like Dr. Brad Crisp, who helped her find these particular internships.

natalie L.

“COBA’s atmosphere really helped to prepare me to be in a professional environment. I know that I have set myself apart from many other applicants that have applied for these positions because of the relevant hands-on experience and projects I have done inside of the classroom,” says Natalie.

Cason, Connor, and Natalie are only a few of many students who have interned while at ACU. Through faculty and the Connections Office, COBA aims to provide students with internship opportunities in the specific career fields that students are interested in pursuing. Internships are the perfect way for students to gain exposure to different companies and industries, allowing them to gain an advantage when looking for jobs after graduation. Congrats to all students who have interned and are planning to intern this next summer.

AMA Gets AMAzed in New Orleans!


 COBA’s AMA student organization attended the annual AMA International Collegiate Conference in New Orleans on March 19th-21st. The theme for the conference this year was AMAze Yourself, inspiring students to find their passions and discover ways they can use those passions to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. Assistant Professor Jennifer Golden and eight current and new student officers, including Cheyenne Rawlings, Allison Phillips, Neely Borger, Carolyn Heard, Bridgett Fuessel, Noah Bastable, and Josh Maday were able to see other AMA organizations that are active in their universities as well as hear from prominent speakers from across the country. Speakers were from leading companies around the world and included Jeff Schmitz and Rachel Lewis from The Hershey Company, Daryl Weber from The Coca-Cola Company, and Ian Dallimore from Lamar Advertising Company. The conference also included multiple breakout sessions each day, hosting discussions on topics such as social media management, resume building, networking opportunities, and suggestions for improving a university’s AMA chapter.


Every year, AMA provides a case study for each AMA university chapter to compete with one another. Groups must provide a full marketing plan with objectives, strategies, implementation ideas, and a budget for the case study. This year, the product for the case study was Coca-Cola’s Vitamin Water. At the conclusion of the conference, the chapters were able to see the winning team present their marketing plan, gaining insight and real experience for how a marketing plan should be implemented.

The AMA conference is a great event opportunity for students to learn, network, and find ways that they can set themselves apart in the marketplace. AMA is excited to be back on campus and working on future ideas to build their own personal brand as well as the brand of COBA.

“After going to the conference and hearing from other AMA organizations, I am really excited to get involved with the organization. I learned how important building my own personal brand really is,” says junior marketing major, Carolyn Heard.


Renewal on the Mountain: Leadership Summit 2015


Frontier Ranch in Buena Vista, Colorado


January 2-8, 2015, COBA held the 17th annual Leadership Summit at Frontier Ranch in Buena Vista, Colorado. There were 139 students from ACU and 19 students from Lubbock Christian University who gathered to hear from professionals and well-known Christian leaders working in the marketplace. This unique opportunity offers a blend of dynamic speakers, practical application, skill building, and spiritual insight, all designed to equip students for leadership in the family, in their community, and in the marketplace. There were a total of 18 speakers and four mentor couples, as well as faculty and staff, on the mountain. Speakers included Mike Haley from Focus on the Family, Eric Pillmore (senior Vice President-Corporate Governance for Tyco International Ltd.), Elise Mitchell (ACU’s 2015 Outstanding Alumnus of the Year and founding sponsor of Morris and Mitchell Advertising Agency), Walmart’s Stephen Quinn and John Aden, Jim Mhoon and Glenn Stanton from Focus on the Family,  Michael Tremain , and Kent and Amber Brantly (ACU’s 2015 Young Alumni of the Year, medical missionaries for Samaritan’s Purse, and survivor of Ebola).

Kent and Amber Brantly

Kent and Amber Brantly

The Brantly’s spoke passionately about serving your community, whether that is locally or globally, with humility and service. Kent and Amber shared their story from courtship to marriage and how their desire to serve as medical missionaries became a passion that drew them together and continues to guide their decisions as a family.

Eric Pillmore

Eric Pillmore

Eric Pillmore led students through a case study of Tyco, narrating the rise and fall of the executives of the infamous company. As students played the parts of the key figures in the case study, Pillmore discussed the importance of ethics and standards in business practices.

Elise Mitchell

Elise Mitchell

Elise Mitchell shared the story of founding her company, Mitchell Communications Group, and the transitions that accompanied her decision to sell her company to Dentsu Public Relations where she now serves as CEO. She encouraged students to enjoy the journey and emphasized that it is not just about arriving at the destination.

John Aden

John Aden

John Aden inspired students to look at the journey of Moses as a guide for life. He explained that just as Moses had his Red Sea moment, a series of highs and lows in life, each of us would face our own stages in life where we have to push forward in faith even though we may be at a low point in our journey.


Leadership Summit Students, Faculty and Staff

When surveyed after Leadership Summit, one student responded, ” It was great to hear from those big name people in the business world and to realize that they are people just like us. John Aden sat at my table on day during lunch and it was cool to talk to him and to remember that he is just a regular guy and that he had is struggles and how he used them to further his career and life. All of the speakers were just so humble and really encouraged us to pursue God above all else. Probably on of the best decisions I have ever made in college to attend Leadership Summit. ”


Hayley Griffin, Carolyn Heard, and Butter Saowatarnpong

Carolyn Heard, a junior marketing major, loved hearing from powerful and influential leaders in the marketplace. Carolyn especially enjoyed listening to Elise Mitchell speak. She was inspired by Elise’s passion for public relations and her entrepreneurial spirit, and appreciated that she shared her success stories as well as her struggles. After coming down from the mountain, Carolyn felt refreshed and ready to start the new year with the right mindset of relying on God in every situation. She said, “There is this unique atmosphere at Summit; you’re basically in this community for a week that is looking to grow in their business knowledge as well as in their spirituality.”

Jessica Carrigan (right)

Judith Barajas, Carolyn Heard, and Jessica Carrigan

 Jessica Carrigan, a senior marketing major, is thankful for the unique opportunities she was able to experience at Summit. She says, “I loved building a community with people that I normally do not see every day. Because I am a senior, connecting with employers on a Christian level was inspiring for me. I feel empowered to enter the marketplace and be a stronger Christian leader.”

Assistant Professor Jennifer Golden

Assistant Professor Jennifer Golden

Assistant Professor Jennifer Golden said she truly felt God’s presence on the mountain this year. She was incredibly blessed to see how students soaked in every word the speakers had to say, asking difficult questions and seeking to learn how to deal with hard circumstances in life. “I was so inspired by these speakers’ powerful testimonies of loss, hardship, and success. God is using their transformational stories to touch the lives of students and people throughout the world.”


Nancy Ndekwe, Rodney Johnson,  and Maya Triplett

Since 1999, Leadership Summit has built a special community for students, faculty, and speakers to feel God’s inevitable presence. Leadership Summit continues to empower students to find their callings, equipping them to be strong Christian leaders in the church, home, and community.

Sunrise at Summit

Sunrise at Summit