COBA Officially Announces Their Reaccreditation With AASCB


After the AACSB Business Accreditation Peer Review Team visited ACU’s campus in January, their Board of Directors and Continuous Improvement Review Committee have officially announced the extension of accreditation of the business degree programs offered at ACU’s College of Business Administration.  Accreditation with AACSB is the hallmark of excellence in business education. Accredited business schools must  meet specific standards of excellence, with their deans, faculty, and professional staff committing to ensure and deliver the highest quality of education to students. This accreditation represents the highest standard of achievement for business schools worldwide, with less than 5% of the world’s 13,000 business programs having earned AACSB Accreditation. Accredited schools produce graduates that are highly skilled and more desirable to employers than other non-accredited schools.

AACSB is a non-profit corporation of business schools, accounting programs, corporations, and other organizations devoted to the promotion and improvement of higher education in business administration and accounting. The organization was founded in 1916 and established its first standards for degree programs in business administration in 1919. To become accredited, a business school must go through a process of self-evaluation and peer review. There are a total of 694 member institutions, with representation in 45 countries. In Texas, there are a total of 36 accredited schools, eight of those being private universities. The private universities include ACU, Baylor, Rice, SMU, St. Mary’s, TCU, Trinity, and the University of Dallas.

The primary purpose of AACSB is to provide exceptional standards, carefully evaluating a business institution’s mission, operations, faculty qualifications and contributions, programs, and other critical areas of the school. An AACSB accredited school ensures students and parents that the business school is providing an exceptional education, as well as employers that these students are ready to enter the business field and perform well due to the high quality education. For the staff and faculty, an accredited institution attracts high-quality students and supports the promotion of research opportunities and global recognition.

COBA initially became accredited through the AACSB in 2004. Every five years, the Continuous Improvement Review Team from AACSB visits the campus to audit the quality and compliance of the business school, talking with students and faculty in regards to the quality of education and learning. 2014 marked the third visit for the team and the process of re-accrediting the college. Mirroring the previous two visits, the team was thoroughly impressed with the high standards and unique culture of COBA. Throughout the visit, members constantly commended COBA for its commitment to faith implementation and superior learning and engagement opportunities, including STAR, study abroad, Leadership Summit, and global leadership development. Faculty’s participation in training, research, development, and preparation also impressed the board.

The overall culture of excellence and hospitality truly made an impact on the team, clearly magnifying the quality and standards that distinguish ACU’s business school from the rest. The persistent drive for constant innovation, engagement, and impact with students, employees, and the community has made COBA excel in all areas, offering an environment that is determined to provide students and faculty with an experience full of value and excellence. COBA strives for innovation, continuously seeking opportunities to learn and expand student’s knowledge by using optimal sources. COBA’s faculty is committed to engaging with students and supplying them with the tools necessary to become successful in the workplace. For years, ACU’s College of Business has engraved these principles into each student and faculty member, integrating leadership and business skills with a firm foundation in Godly and faith-based principles. Becoming re-accredited with the AASCB is a clear confirmation of God’s work taking place in the College of Business Administration at ACU.


Click here to read ACU’s official press release on COBA’s re-accreditation. You can learn more about AACSB and the importance of choosing an accredited business school by clicking here.

Mark Your Calenders for Exxon Mobil’s Mark W. Albers

Mark W. Albers


On March 26th, Mark W. Albers, senior vice president of Exxon Mobil Corporation, will be visiting ACU as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series. Mark joined the company in 1979 and has worked numerous positions, including managerial positions in development, operations, and engineering. He has also worked in Melbourne, Australia as a technical manager and operations manager. In 2001, he became the vice president, Africa, Chad/Nigeria for the ExxonMobil Development Company in Houston. Albers has served as executive assistant to the chairman of Exxon Mobil Corporation at headquarters in Irving, TX. After this position, he then became the president of ExxonMobil Development Company in October of 2004. In April 2007, Mark was named the senior vice president of the company in Houston.

Albers is a member of the Board of Trustees of the U.S. Council of International Business, the Texas A&M Engineering Advisory Council, the Society of Petroleum Engineers Industry Advisory Council, and the Board of Directors of the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc.

Mark was born in Calgary, Canada and later moved to Houston. He grew up around the oil and gas industry and pursued this field of study at Texas A&M, graduating in 1979 with a bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering. Today, he works with different governments in influencing them to allow Exxon to come in and work, explore, develop, and produce in those countries. Mark and his wife, Cindy, currently live in The Woodlands, Texas.

Albers highly believes in the value of faith in the marketplace. He states that his faith has been the strong foundation that has built his career and the man he is today. COBA looks forward to hosting him next week. There are less than 50 tickets left for the event. Visit the COBA website to learn more and purchase tickets to the luncheon at

It is That Time of Year: Springboard!


The highly anticipated event we have all been waiting for is just around the corner! Registration for the seventh annual Springboard Ideas challenge is now open and ready to start accepting applicants for 2014. Springboard is a business plan competition that takes place each year through the Griggs Center for Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy. Contestants vary, including some who have ideas and are seeking to start a business and others who have already established small businesses. The cash prizes come from several local sponsors. This year, certain phases of the competition have changed. The initial application process has been revamped to make each transition phase flow more smoothly for applicants.

The competition includes three different divisions: the community-growth division, the community-small business division, and the college division. The first, second, and third place winners in each division will receive cash prizes. For the college division, the first place winner will receive $7,500, the second place winner will receive $3,000, and the third place winner will receive $1,000. In the community-growth division, the first place winner will receive $15,000, the second place winner will receive $5,000, and the third place winner will receive $1,000. For the community-small business, the first place winner will receive $5,000, the second place winner will receive $3,000, and the third place winner will receive $1,000. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and be a permanent resident of one of the qualifying 19 counties surrounding the Abilene area.

To enter the competition, applicants must initially complete an online application and pay the registration fee. The online application deadline is 5 P.M. on March 7th. Once the judging panel has advanced chosen contestants on to the next phase of the competition, a mini-business plan must be submitted. The business plan should address the fundamental issues of interest to potential investors. This document should highlight the most important and interesting points of the business, which should give potential investors a general understanding of why this venture would succeed. Contestants who advance to the next phase of the competition qualify as finalists and must prepare a presentation for a live panel of judges. The exact date, time, and location will vary by division but will take place during the week of April 6-12, 2014. Participants will be given 10 minutes to present their idea to the judges and will then be subject to 10-15 minutes of Q&A from the judges.The final phase of the competition will be the awards dinner, which will take place on April 15th. All finalists will display their ideas as part of an exhibit hall before the dinner, and then the winners of each division will be announced during the dinner. This year, Stuart Crum, President for Bridgestone Retail Operations, will be speaking at the awards ceremony.

Students have represented COBA well in the past Springboard competitions. Typically, around 30-4 students from around campus enter the competition each year. Last year, senior Luke Luttrell won first place in the college division with his Right Route idea. Right Route is a mobile app similar to Google Maps but offers more route options, optimizing the fastest route between as many desired destinations. Dr. Brent Reeves and Dr. Brian Burton were two professors that helped Luke develop his idea for the app. Luke believes that COBA was absolutely fundamental to winning Springboard. He credits his success to the help of such great professors in COBA, reiterating how involved and willing they were to reach out and help him on his journey to success. Luke also praises the competition in regards to the process. He says, “Springboard gives students the opportunity to present an idea to a panel of investors with entrepreneurial experience, resulting in great feedback on the idea and business model.” Luke has learned to always seek entrepreneurial opportunities and encourages anyone with even the smallest idea to enter the competition. Springboard is a great opportunity to grow one’s entrepreneurial skills and gain relevant experience through a high value process and interaction with professional entrepreneurs.

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“The Springboard Ideas Challenge is a great opportunity for any student who is interested in entrepreneurial pursuits. It offers an unbelievable experience because it forces students to turn a simple idea into a fully functioning business model,” says Luke Luttrell, senior COBA student and winner of the 2013 Springboard Challenge.




COBA new york

This Fall Break, a group of 23 students along with professors Dr. Jonathan Stewart, Dr. Joyce Haley, COBA Executive in Residence David Swearingen, and ACU Chief Marketing Officer Jason Groves headed north to the single most competitive work environment in the country-New York City. While in New York, the group was able to visit Wall Street and meet with executives from companies like Johnson & Johnson, Magnet Media, Dentsu American, CNN and the NBA. Brandon Baker, a ’98 ACU graduate, hosted the group as they toured the New York Stock Exchange. Brandon now serves as the organization’s vice president of information technology. Seeing ACU alumni like Brandon succeed in such a competitive business environment shows how competitive ACU students are against graduates from larger elite schools, such as Harvard and Yale. ACU students are able to infuse faith into their work, offering a set of ethics and values to the marketplace. Swearingen states, “If there’s anything business needs more of, it is Christians who bring their ethics and values into the marketplace. That’s what ACU students and grads do.”

“Being in NYC was so empowering! There are opportunities everywhere you look. We have discussed businesses in a classroom setting, but actually meeting business CEOs and leaders gave us a whole new perspective of how companies operate,” states Gentry McMath, junior accounting major.

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Amanda Clary, Shannon Ball, Sarah Hailey, Whitney Stevens, Jaci Isham, Gentry McMath, Natalie Goin, Allie Rostron, Savannah Smith, Amy Sloan and Meghan Eager on the NYC fall break trip.

The Legendary Earl Young Motivates COBA Students

Earl Young addresses ACU students.

Earl Young

COBA was proud to host the legendary world class Olympic Gold medalist Earl Young. Mr. Young spoke to COBA students at a COBA Career Connect session on October 9. Earl’s list of accomplishments and accolades is quite remarkable on the track field and in the business field. Earl was brought to ACU by track coach Oliver Jackson from the orange trees of the San Fernando Valley in California. At the age of 19, he was a member of the 1960 United States Olympic Track and Field Team, winning a Gold Medal in the 1600 meter relay while also setting a new World and Olympic record. He is an All-American in Track and Field and participated on numerous international teams establishing four World records and four American records. Earl Young attended ACU and graduated with an undergraduate degree in Business along with History and Religion and graduate studies in Business Management.

Earl also shines in the field of business. Mr. Young has served in the role of Advisor, Corporate Officer and Director of companies in the United States and abroad. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and Investment Banking firms in New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, Vancouver, and London. He has also worked with the World Bank and U.S. senators and congressmen. One of the organizations he has worked with is the Madagascar World Voice, a philanthropic organization partnering with World Christian Broadcasting to broadcast news, education, and entertainment with the fundamental message of hope and freedom to over 2 billion listeners throughout the world. Earl’s connections in Madagascar started the process of a scholarship funded by the World Bank for ACU students who are from the Republic of Madagascar.

Mr. Young’s resume also includes work with the Diamond Fields International Ltd., Earl Young and Associates, Renaissance Capital Group, AMI Investment Corporation, and Chafin and Young. Mr. Young is a member of the Abilene Christian University Council and a Director of the American Studies Institute Advisory Board of Harding University.

Earl Young - US Sprinter June 19, 1961 X 7554 credit:  Art Shay - assign

Earl is truly the definition of an exceptional performer in all aspects of life. Earl told students how he used to doubt all of the talk about God’s direct provision and intervention in people’s lives. Looking back on his life, he now sees how God was the sole reason for all of his opportunities and achievements. His gold medal in the 1960 Olympics has opened many doors for him throughout his life time. Earl encouraged students to think about their own gold medal and what achievements and blessings in their lives they have that will open the numerous doors for them. ACU and COBA are proud to recognize Mr. Young as an ambassador for God through his actions and achievements throughout the world. Earl currently lives in Dallas and continues to exemplify the faith-based truth that with God, all things are possible.


“Once the door of opportunity has been opened for you, you have to have value to offer before the door closes. Embrace every opportunity or that door will close too quickly.”

Earl Young addresses students

Earl Young addresses students at COBA’s Career Connect

“The workforce is looking for hard working Christians with integrity. With all of the high pressures in business, honesty is such a valuable characteristic for businesses today.”

COBA Study Abroad Oxford Keeps the Olympic Games Alive

You would think London might be a little dull after the lights have shut off, people have gone home, and the 2012 Olympic games have finished. Well, think again! Summer 2013 was full of excitement for COBA in England. During June, 31 students traveled to Oxford, England to study abroad with COBA. Eleven of these students had the opportunity to tour the London Olympic Park and work hand in hand with some of the top overseers of the London Olympic games, including the London Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games,  the London Legacy Development Corporation, the head of Olympic protest groups, the London School of Economics,  architects and urban planning consultants, and a world champion athlete.


Accompanied by Dr. Monty Lynn, students worked on a project to present to Matt Wood, COBA alum and Chairman and CEO of Dallas 2024. The goal of the project was to learn from the organizers of the 2012 London games and apply those principles to the Dallas 2024 Olympic bid as Dallas is one of the final 10 cities vying for the 2024 Olympic games. Dr. Lynn explained how no one realizes how much work, time, resources, and money goes into preparing for the Olympic games. Dr. Lynn stated, “Each Game is unique. Unlike many other Olympic games, London put thought into what would become of the facilities after the games.” Cities like Athens and even Beijing now have billions of dollars worth of abandoned buildings around the city. London wanted a different vision, a vision that would impact east London and truly make the summer 2012 games one to remember.

London is currently in the process of transforming the Olympic park into Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, a place that will connect local communities, create new business opportunities and developments, and provide new and modern living options in the park. The London planners were proactive in preparing for the future and planning for future economic growth in a socially deprived area of the city. After speaking with the different London games authorities, the COBA project team shared these principles with Dallas 2024.


The team included Hannah Bruce, Mary Beth Carter, Katy Doughty, Zach Guerra, Whitney Herrington, Emily Hill, Teddie Johnson, Cassie Powers, Evan Webb, Megan Wixon, and Matt Sanderson. Along with Dr. Monty Lynn, the team presented their project to Matt Wood and the Dallas 2024 board on Friday, August 6 in Dallas. COBA students are contributing to one of the most uniting and compelling events in the entire world, passing on the torch of excellence. We’re excited about what the future holds!