LS Blog

News and updates from the Learning Studio

Student Highlights this Spring

We’ve put the spotlight on faculty creativity this week but didn’t want to miss the chance to share some strong projects from some of our graduates this spring. Whether they were spending hours in the Media Lab perfecting an illustration or they were attending advanced media training in Stage 1, students of all majors this semester took advantage of the tools, spaces, and training on offer in the Learning Studio to produce work that they could be truly proud of.

“All ACU students should take advantage of the Learning Studio regardless of their major. Learning how to create and share ideas has made me a better social worker, but it has also made me a more effective communicator. The AT&T Learning Studio is a prime example of ACU’s commitment to innovative learning.”  – Hannah Sims

The Learning Studio helped these graduating seniors and grad students leave campus with the skills to share stories with the world that matter. We can’t wait to see what these creators do next!

Student Projects

Year-Round short film
John Greer (senior, Multimedia)

We were excited to have 13 student films premiere at FilmFest this year, but one film caught our eye. For his 4th consecutive FilmFest, John Greer wrote and directed Year-Round. He also shot his film on one of our Canon 6D DSLR cameras with carefully composed shots that won the Best Cinematography award this year. You can find more winners from this year or John’s previous films on the FilmFest blog.

Wichita Mountains photos
Nicholas Cromwell (senior, Accounting)

In short afternoon training or weekend workshops, students are developing more confidence with their cameras. Nick has been doing the important work of any photographer–shooting as much as possible–and taking pictures wherever and whenever he is is paying off. Over spring break he kept shooting with friends on some hikes in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, and this last year his portfolio landed him a job shooting for The Optimist

Fostering Brighter Futures video
Hannah Sims (grad student, Social Work)

This spring Hannah worked with the Texas Council of Child Welfare Boards on a video project to improve perceptions around foster parenting. She filmed the spots in the One Button Studio and finished them with skills she picked up in Social Work classes producing media assignments. It’s exciting to see how skills developed for one project build the confidence to try the next one. Read more about Hannah’s project on the ACU Today blog.

ARAMARK Employee Appreciation video
Abbie Hamilton (senior, Marketing)

Lots of the projects we see are connected to media projects in classes, so it was fun to see Abbie’s music video produced with the staff of the World Famous Bean. The playful look of the project hides just how much work went into the editing, sound, and on-screen titles. Great way to end of the semester!

Outer Space infographic
Christi Lim (senior, Graphic Design)

As they approach graduation, graphic designers take a portfolio class where they get ready to share their best work with future employers. Christi spent hours in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop this semester polishing work like her infographics on the solar system and Frank Lloyd Wright for Ryan Feerer’s Information Graphics class. See the final product in more detail.


LS Productions

Your Story Starts Here – Learning Studio trailer

Dutch Lady – faculty member discovers new play

Vision in Action – spotlight on Halbert-Walling project

Cup of Coffee – Chandler Graf’s talk for TEDxACU 2017

VIDEO: How to Read a Book in 2013

VIDEO: How to Read a Book in 2013

At the end of the semester, we get a lot of notes from faculty with strong examples of student video projects (we'll share of few of those this next week). It's typically a good...

Tepper workshop with ACU Theatre

Several months ago Adam Hester, Department of Theatre chair, let us know that folks from the Tepper Semester program in New York would be on campus. They hosted a film casting workshop that gave ACU students experience working with professional casting directors....

FilmFest: Lost and Found at Paramount

Some remarkable talent at FilmFest this weekend at the premiere downtown last night at the historic Paramount Theater. If you missed it, here are the films that were featured this year with the awards handed out last night. For a look back at winners in previous...

Images of Aging winners

The Images of Aging photography contest, sponsored by Pruett Gerontology Center, is now in its third year. They've announced student winners in three categories. Thanks to Sue Garcia and Charlie Pruett for letting the Learning Studio be a part. Black and White...

Learning Studio: Unboxed

Thanks to our media production specialists Matt Bardwell and Nathan Driskell and the student staff for the next Unboxed short. We've continued to see steady growth in our Checkout Gear pool and wanted to make folks aware of some of our advanced video production...

Scholarly Storytelling workshop

Scholarly Storytelling workshop

This last month we welcomed a remarkable group of faculty to join us for our first Scholarly Storytelling workshop in the Learning Studio. We wanted to explore the potential of mixed-media storytelling to communicate messages drawn from research and professional...

Over 80,000 video tutorials

Over 80,000 video tutorials offers 1,500 courses on over 400 software titles but they're not simply a "tech training" resource. The following courses will give you an idea of their range. Accounting Architecture Business Skills Cameras & Gear Data Analysis Databases...

Merry Christmas from KACU

As we break for the holiday, here is nice treat from D. Grant Smith and KACU on their original program The Appetizer. If you're looking for some indie takes on Christmas standards, this is a great couple hours of  music. Thanks to Dave and everyone at Abilene's public...

Art History media projects

Art History media projects

Thanks to Kenny Jones for sending along sample projects from ART 221, General Survey 1. Students worked in teams to produce an 8-10 minute comparison of three artifacts, two from their survey of art history and one more contemporary example. Here are a few of their...