Magda Rodriguez and Paul Roggendorff shared from their area of expertise and their own personal experience about the nuance involved in understanding Hispanic/Latino terminology, geographical implications, personal identification, cultural expectations, and so much more!

You will see the value of understanding these nuances as you peruse the linked slides from the session.

As an emerging HSI, familiarizing ourselves with the realities of bilingual students and best practices for the classroom, increases in importance. They encouraged faculty to identify the language abilities of bilingual students at whatever level they are, meet them there, and push them to keep developing both of their languages (or any other language, for that matter!). They both emphasized the importance of expecting college-level English and reminded the room that the Writing Center currently hires two tutors who are fluent in Spanish. This semester’s bilingual tutors are Gaby Bustello-Herrera and Katy Wall.

They noted that there is a lot of shame for 3rd and 4th generation Americans (of Hispanic descent) who don’t know Spanish, so singling them out in the classroom (as potential Spanish speakers) may add to that shame.

We are grateful for all the ways we can learn how to know our students better and grow as teachers!