The Lytle Center hosts Brett Biggs at COBA’s annual Distinguished Speaker Series Luncheon

The Lytle Center for Faith and Leadership Development hosted Brett Biggs, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Wal-Mart Stores Inc. on October 25th, as the speaker at COBA’s annual Distinguished Speaker Series luncheon.

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Brett Biggs, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

Biggs is responsible for accounting and control, corporate strategy and development, business planning and analysis, internal auditing, treasury, tax, global shared services and several other key areas of the company. Before being appointed to his current role, Biggs was executive vice president and chief financial officer for Walmart International, where he was responsible for all global finance activities, including accounting and controls, business planning and analysis, financial services, and support for real estate, M&A and Strategy. Prior to that, Brett served as executive vice president and chief financial officer for Walmart U.S., where he was responsible for U.S. finance functions including strategy, merchandising, logistics, financial services, real estate, operations, and financial planning and analysis.

Biggs began his visit to ACU with a Q&A meeting with approximately 30 COBA students. The students had unfettered access to ask Biggs questions about his career path, how Walmart works and his best advice on how to jump start their own careers. After the private gathering with students, he then addressed the luncheon crowd of about 200 guests, talking to them about Walmart’s corporate philosophy as well as his own beliefs on what it means to be a Christian leader in the workplace.

students with Brett Biggs

Mr. Biggs meeting with COBA students

Biggs stated that the “Joy of working at Walmart is that it is a company that stands for things: take care of your people, do your best, and take care of the people that come through your door.” Biggs also said that he believes, “The world needs places that stand for something. I love ACU’s mission. If you can combine your passion and your vocation with your mission, that’s where it’s at. Sometimes being a person of faith is tough. You have to stand your ground when others around you aren’t. Rosa Parks said it well when she said, ‘Stand for something or you will fall for anything. Today’s mighty oak is yesterday’s nut that held its ground.’ Matt 5:14 says, ‘You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.’ I know that’s what this university is about and I appreciate that.”


Biggs also gave a personal anecdote when he told a story about meeting Sam Walton, who he described as a once in a lifetime kind of man and the greatest entrepreneur of all time. Biggs said that he met Walton on a field trip in college. Biggs happened to be carrying around a very big notebook while studying for the CPA exam. Sam Walton asked what the book was for and Biggs explained to him that he was intensely studying for the exam. Walton then told him that, “If you study hard and work hard you never know what you’ll be able to achieve.” Biggs said that today, his office is next door to Sam Walton’s former office. 

Biggs encouraged students to find a company that fits your values, to be intentional about your faith and to stay grounded and focused on your faith. He also exhorted the audience to know who you are before you are faced with big decisions. He stated, “You have to know what you would do and make a choice ahead of time. You have to really know who you are. Students, take advantage of your time here and form that person now. Take advantage of all the spiritual opportunities you have here.”

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Mr. Biggs meeting with COBA Faculty

Biggs wrapped his trip to ACU up with a private meeting with some of COBA’s faculty, where they discussed current markets and opportunities for students. COBA would like to thank Brett Biggs for so graciously giving of his time and energy to our students, faculty, staff and community.

For pictures from the event, please click on this link for COBA’s FaceBook page.

Spotlight on Malcolm Coco

Dr. Malcolm Coco

Dr. Malcolm Coco


What is your educational background?

Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Southwestern La.

Personnel Management and Supervision, Central Michigan University

Doctorate of Public Administration, Nova Southeastern University


What is your work background?

I was a United States Air Force Pilot for 22 years.


What do you teach at ACU?

I teach Human Resource Management courses and am the Director of Internships for COBA.


What committees/other duties do you have at ACU aside from teaching?

Too many to list.  I was Associate Dean from 1993-1997.


What drew you to teaching? Why did you want to work with students?

When stationed at Dyess AFB in the 70s, I met a number of ACU faculty/staff/and grads.  I determined then based on those relationships that ACU was special and that after my Air Force career I would like to work for ACU.

What’s the best part of working with students?

Working with young people with fresh ideas, passion, and engagement.


Have you ever given up any big opportunities to keep working with students?

The offer to be the Director of Human Resources at ACU and several other HR director jobs.


Outside of teaching, what passions and hobbies do you have?

Anything outdoors: bow hunting, fly fishing, and duck hunting especially.



Enjoying the great outdoors.


What is a good, early story about your teaching?

I’ve always enjoyed inviting local, national and international HR professionals to speak in my class.


Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career.

Being the Deputy Director of U.S. air force pilots world wide assignments for 40,000 air force pilots as well as being the Associate Dean during some of the most challenging times for the College of Business.


Do you do any charity or non-profit work?

I volunteer with Rotary International, Big Country Society for Human Resource Management, Military Officers Association, and Herald of Truth.


Who is your role model, and why?

Anyone of a few faculty who can fully engage students.


Dr. Coco on a field trip with students.

Dr. Coco on a field trip with students.


Who was your most inspirational professor and why?

Former Department Chair, Lamar Riench.


If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

To have a better ability to connect people with Jesus.


What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?

That I was a State Champion pole vaulter and sprinter.


What would you really want students and alums to know about you?

To know how much I really care about our students  and how much I appreciate our student’s parents giving us their children for an education.




Spotlight on Amanda Pittman

What is your educational background?

I graduated from ACU in 2001 with a degree in advertising and public relations with a marketing minor.


Amanda Pittman and the Pittman Family

Amanda Pittman and the Pittman Family



What is your work background?

I’m starting my eleventh year here at ACU. I’ve had the privilege to work in Student Life, University Marketing and here in the College of Business. I’ve loved my time in each spot and have loved learning more about ACU from different perspectives.


What do you do at ACU/COBA?

I’ve recently joined the Griggs Center team to launch and manage our mentor programs for the student leaders who are interested in entrepreneurship. So far, we’ve matched 20 students with successful entrepreneurs. I’m looking forward to hearing how the conversations are going!


What drew you to work at ACU? Why did you want to work with students?

I love the energy on campus – I think students keep you young and keep the desire burning to always learn, grow and change. My grandparents both taught here and I remember them saying the same thing! After working in industries outside of the university, I came to really love and appreciate the rhythm of the school year, as well.


What’s the best part of working with students?

Hands down, the best part to me is the opportunity to form relationships with students. My family has been blessed by countless students that have loved on our kiddos, interned for us, introduced us to their families when they came to campus, invited us to their weddings and on and on. I’m thankful for social media and the chance I have to follow their adventures once they leave this place!


Outside of ACU, what passions and hobbies do you have?

We are pretty involved with our church family at Highland and our small group. My husband, David, and I enjoy every chance we get to hang out with these sweet families. Our three kiddos, Easton who is 8, Gentry who is 5 and Findley who is 4, keep us very busy between soccer, dance classes and school activities. We love living in Abilene and we love the sense of community and family we feel here.


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The Pittman Family


What is a good, early story about your first job or when you were in college?

When I was doing my first internship in Los Angeles at a film studio, it really did matter if you could get the coffee order right. I was sent on many a trip to Starbucks and I definitely earned more opportunities in the office because I always got their coffee order correct and got it back to them quickly. While that might sound lame and cliche, it proved early on that I could take and follow directions and complete a task quickly and efficiently. When you take care of the little things (and don’t complain about them or while you are doing them!), they begin to trust you with a little bit bigger things. Eventually, I landed a job at the film studio!


Do you do any charity or non-profit work?

I have the privilege of serving as chair for the Board at Rainbow Bible School.


Who is your role model and why?

My role models are all the women in our small group. They are each accomplished and intelligent women who are doing beautiful jobs managing their families, careers, friendships and interests/passions. It’s never an easy journey, but I am blessed tremendously by their examples, support, friendship and encouragement as we figure out how to do life! As you begin your career, whether you are married or not, it’s vital to find a community or group that challenges you and supports you.


Amanda and her small group

Amanda and her small group


Who was your most inspirational professor and why?

I really learned a lot from Dr. Jeff Warr and Dr. Charlie Marler in the JMC department. They are no longer teaching full time at ACU, but they were really amazing professors. They had high expectations and demanded our best. They each also had unique ways of making what they were teaching really fascinating and relevant.


If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

Probably something like freezing, rewinding and/or fast-forwarding time. So like, altering time. Is that even a thing?


What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?

I’m older than my husband!! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….


Spotlight on Aimee Agee

Meet Aimee (pronounced I-may) Agee, COBA’s newest staff member. Aimee serves as COBA’s Student and Professional Development Manager, working with students to help them via class insertions, job and internship coaching sessions, resume help and much more. COBA students, we hope you’ll come in to the Dean’s Suite and meet Aimee!


Aimee Agee

Aimee Agee


What is your educational background?

I completed two A.A. degrees with the Community College of the Air Force, one in Aircraft Maintenance Systems and the other in Instructional Science. I completed my undergraduate degree in Adult and Career Education at Indiana State University. I am projected to graduate with my M.Ed from ACU in December.


What is your work background?

I spent 11 years in the Air Force, 7 years as an aircraft mechanic and 4 years as an instructor under the Community College of the Air Force. After separating from the Air Force I was an assistant campus director for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and then a community readiness specialist, specializing in employment.


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Aimee and her husband, First Lieutenant, Alfred B. Agee Jr.


What do you do at ACU/COBA?

At COBA I am the Professional and Student Development Manager. I focus on helping our students be prepared for the work force and find internship and employment opportunities.


What drew you to work at ACU? Why did you want to work with students?

What drew me to ACU was being able to combine my passion for higher education, students, and Christ.


What’s the best part of working with students?

The best part of working with students is knowing that you can help them through such an important transition period in life.


Outside of ACU, what passions and hobbies do you have?

My passion is education. I love reading, taking classes, and learning new things. My two young girls take up a lot of time but I love being a mom and learning.


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Aimee and her daughters


What is a good, early story about your first job or when you were in college?

Being petite in size made my first job very challenging! I quickly realized being an aircraft mechanic was not for me. I trusted God and He led me to my second job and my passion for higher education.


Who is your role model and why?

My role model is my mother-in-law. Her faith is her guide in life. When I need to speak to someone she always guides me back to the best resource available, the Bible.


Who was your most inspirational professor and why?

My most inspirational professor was Dr. Morris. He facilitated a few of my graduate courses and I was so impressed at his ability to be engaged and involved with students holistically in an online setting.


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The Agee Family


If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

Time travel! I would love to go back in time and meet so many historical figures.


What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?

English is my second language. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico with Spanish as my first and primary language.

College Field Trips; AKA Networking Opportunities!

Field trips aren’t just for elementary school students. Many professors find taking students on field trips gives them insight on careers and industries they may have never known about, as well as building networking opportunities for students and employers at the sites that they visit. On Wednesday, March 30th, Dr. Malcolm Coco took 7 of COBA’s Human Resources track students on a field trip to the TSTC campus in Sweetwater, Texas. Their guide for the day was Hannah Love, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources. Ms. Love has responsibility for the HR function for eleven of the TSTC campuses located across Texas. She presented to the students on the functions of HR and the challenges faced by having so many different campuses located in eleven different geographic locations. She also discussed the challenges TSTC faces in providing training programs for businesses across the state of Texas tailored for their individual company needs.  The group enjoyed a tour of TSTC’s wind turbine and electromagnetic systems technology training facility.

Following the presentation and tour, Dr. Coco and the students were treated to lunch with the TSTC staff.  Dr. Coco said, “This was a very informative trip and the interaction with the students was outstanding. Too many times, students are unable to connect textbook learning with a real world application.  Having the students personally hear from professionals in their field really adds a new and current perspective to the subjects we are studying. I have found that HR professionals are more than willing to share their time and expertise with students and that is greatly appreciated.  TSTC is no exception.  The other added bonus is that field trips help to establish networks that foster job and internship opportunities.”

Judith Morales, senior management major from Fort Worth, Texas, said, “We spoke with the HR manager and she talked to us about the experiences she has had and how they benefited her in her career. One of my favorite parts of the trip was socializing with the other students in my major and getting to know them, as well as getting to know Dr. Coco, a little better.”

We’re grateful to TSTC for their hospitality and to Dr. Coco for getting the students out of the classroom and into the working world. Opportunities like this enable our students to grow and develop as well as connect with potential employers as they pursue their career goals.



Dr. Coco with students: Judith Morales, Abbie Hamilton, Sarah Stone, Allison Barton, and Kee Ana Ward

Spotlight on John Neill




What is your education background?

Ph.D., University of Florida, 1990 – major in Accounting and minor in Finance

M.S., Abilene Christian University, 1984 – major in Religious Education

B.B.A., Abilene Christian University, 1980 – major in Accounting


Dr. John Neill

Dr. John Neill


What is your work background?

I began my career as a Programmer Analyst and Corporate Accountant with Pennzoil Company, working for them from 1980-1983. I spent a year as an Accounting Instructor for ACU from 1984-1985, moving from ACU to the University of Florida as a Research and Teaching Assistant from 1986-1990. I then began my work in academia, serving as an Assistant Professor at Florida State University from 1990-1997, as an Associate Professor at Chapman University from 1997-2000, and then moving to ACU where I began in 2000 as an Associate Professor. I now serve as the Chair of the Department of Accounting and Finance and am a Professor of Accounting.


What do you teach at ACU?

I teach Intermediate Accounting II and Advanced Accounting.


What committees/other duties do you have at ACU aside from teaching?

I am the Chair of the Accounting and Finance Department and the Director of the Master of Accountancy Program.



John, Natalie, and Karene Neill


What drew you to teaching? Why did you want to work with students?

In 1984 and 1985 I was working on a master’s degree in Bible at ACU. During that time, I was asked to teach one sophomore level accounting course per semester. I was surprised to learn how much I enjoyed that experience and it caused me to want to get a Ph.D. in accounting so I could continue to teach accounting at the university level.


What’s the best part of working with students?

I think the most rewarding aspect of teaching is that I get to see students grow up and mature over time.


Have you ever given up any big opportunities to keep working with students?

No, I have never considered doing anything else in the last 25 years.


Outside of teaching, what passions and hobbies do you have?

I am a graduate of the University of Florida, and I really enjoy watching Florida sporting events on TV. I also like to travel. In my younger days, I was an avid runner and I ran three marathons and a number of half marathons. I still enjoy exercising, but injuries have caused me to stop running.


Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career.

I was invited to be a panelist at the Bentley University Global Business Ethics Symposium in Madrid, Spain in 2007. I also feel a sense of accomplishment every time one of my research papers is published.


Do you do any charity or non-profit work?

My wife and I deliver Meals on Wheels on Thursdays. We have had the same route for many years.


John and Karene Neill

John and Karene Neill


Who is your role model and why?

I can’t think of a specific individual who I would consider my role model. However, I have great respect for anyone who takes pride in their work and lives their life with integrity.


Who was your most inspirational professor and why?

I have always had great respect for Dr. John Willis. When I was in his classes, I could tell how much he cared for his students. His mastery of the subject matter always impressed me also.


What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?

I mentioned this earlier, but I think most of my current students would be surprised to know that I ran the Chicago (2002), Marine Corps (2003), and the New York City (2004) marathons. Sadly, age and injuries have now forced me to exercise on an elliptical while watching Netflix (I especially like BBC shows) on my iPad.


What would you really want students and alums to know about you?

I want students and alums to know how much I enjoy teaching at ACU. I believe in Christian education and in our mission in COBA.