Our Blog
Recent Entries
You’ll find the latest from the Adams Center staff here at the Adams Blog. The content varies, but the subject is always the same: teaching and learning.
SOAR’s Role with Students Learning Remotely
Here is some helpful information from SOAR regarding their role in assisting faculty with students who need to switch to remote learning or back to in-person learning. When a student is approved for remote online learning by the ACU Medical Clinic, the faculty will...
Create, Record and Share Zoom Meetings From Canvas
Sample Attendance and Engagement Policy
Cliff Barbarick wrote and policy below, and we sought input from UAP, SOAR, and Student Life. Feel free to use or modify as needed. (Also be sure to join us for the Zoom session on Covid Care for students on Wednesday, August 26th at 11:30.) Attendance/Engagement The...
Captioning Services
UAP created an informational sheet that includes different ways to produce captions with different service providers. Thanks to Liz and her team for all their hard work.
Faculty Quarantine Go-Bag
Imagine the following scenario: you settle into your favorite recliner at 9:00 pm on Tuesday night to check your email and find a message notifying you that you have come in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19. You need to quarantine...
Friday Link Round Up
Happy Friday! I hope you are able to find rest this weekend, even in the midst of last-minute preparations. Here are a few things from around the web that I thought you might enjoy. -- Blessings, Laura ACU Writing Center Services Your Students Will Be Different This...
Start Your Semester With Canvas
Check this video for some items to "check off" with Canvas as you start your new semester. https://youtu.be/nmX_OgWJ3Us
Virtual Whiteboard Alternatives
Many of you will be in classrooms this fall that either don't have a whiteboard or don't have good access to whiteboards. In addition, whiteboards are very difficult for remote students to read. Therefore, we recommend faculty consider a variety of virtual whiteboard...
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ACU Box 29201
Abilene, TX 79699-9201