Our Blog

Recent Entries

You’ll find the latest from the Adams Center staff here at the Adams Blog.  The content varies, but the subject is always the same: teaching and learning.

Friday Link Round Up

Here are a few helpful reads/listens for your weekend. I hope it's lovely. -- Laura 3 Ways to Help Students Learn Better The Science of Learning vs. Proctoring Software The Secret Weapon of Good Online Teaching: Discussion Forums Be Kind to Yourself -- h/t Cliff, who...

Creating a badging system in Canvas

Badging, also known as micro-credentialing, can be used to move students through a course if earning grades isn't the main goal for students. Canvas badge is now working much better than the past using the third-party "Badgr." Here are the general steps to set it up,...

Grade Quiz/Exam by Specific Items

If you have an exam that combines standardized items (multiple choice, T/F, etc) and non-standardized items (essay question, for instance), you can grade the exams by specific items without having to cycle through everything till you find the right ones to grade. Go...

Friday Link Round Up

We've made it through the first 5 weeks! The semester is wearing on many of us -- students included -- but I've had some opportunities to see glimpses of my students' learning and growth. I hope you have, too. -- Laura A Different Way to Deliver Student Feedback Don't...

Friday Link Round Up

I'm looking forward to venturing out to a state park with Bill and the girls this weekend and staring at something other than a screen. I hope your weekend has something equally renewing. -- Laura Cliff shared this quote in New Faculty Orientation this week, and it...

Student Instructions for Submitting Videos to Discussion Board

If your professor asks you to post a video to a discussion thread, you can do that easily in Canvas.  Here are the steps to follow: Go to the discussion in your course. Typically it is in a course module. When you have found the discussion, click on "reply." Find the...

Creating Pages With Tabs

If you have multiple sections of a page, you can create tabs in Canvas using the same page, without having to make your page super long. See the example below: I have created a template for doing this: It is now shared in Canvas Commons that you can import (Link, or...

Using Google Slides Audience Q&A Tool

If you use Google Slides to present, use its fairly neat audience Q&A tool, which might work especially well when you are teaching to both face-to-face and remote students. You can easily tell who asked what questions and present your selected questions to the...

Contact Us

Laura Carroll

Assistant Provost for Teaching, Learning and Vocational Formation

Scott Hamm

Assistant Director, Director of Pedagogical Partnerships

Rodney Ashlock

Director of Faculty Development

Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby

Director of Faculty Spiritual Formation

Amy Boone

Teaching and Learning Specialist

Hollye Jaklewicz

Event and Communication Specialist

Stephen Rektenwald

Assistant Director of Educational Technology

Brown Library Room #264
ACU Box 29201
Abilene, TX 79699-9201