Spotlight on Katie Wick

Dr. Katie Wick

Dr. Katie Wick

What is your educational background?

I was drawn to the University of Virginia for my undergraduate education.  The campus is a magical place steeped in history and tradition.  When I came to UVA, I was convinced I was going to be a doctor, and as I was taking my first course in chemistry I realized that I was going to have to slog and push myself through my prerequisites for medical school.  Simultaneously, I happened to enroll in principles of microeconomics with 550 other undergraduates and the class made my heart sing! I decided I need to dive into economics further.

My game theory and experimental economics classes convinced me to make the study of economics my future. Strategy, games, choices, and decisions came alive in the economics laboratory, and I simply had to find a way to get to graduate school to study further.  With the guidance of my advisor, I applied to experimental graduate programs and received an amazing offer from the University of Pittsburgh where the real work in economics began.

Playing economics games with handheld devices out on the famous UVA lawn with my experimental economics class (that's me on the very far right in the red and my advisor/professor right next to me). This was a big deal since it was WAY before iPads!

Playing economics games with handheld devices out on the famous UVA lawn with my experimental economics class (that’s me on the very far right in the red and my advisor/professor right next to me). This was a big deal since it was WAY before iPads!

After two to three years of the basic course work (basic is a misnomer since it was scary hard), I started my research in experiments.  My dissertation was based around two experiments I designed to test efficiency in public good giving.  It was such a thrill to conduct every aspect of the experiment and see it take shape from just an idea to the design then the programming, the recruiting of subjects, the running of the experiment in the laboratory, and the analysis afterward.  The day I defended my dissertation was almost as exciting as the days I welcomed my children into the world!


What is your work background?

You’ll notice the narrative of my work history exactly coincides with the development of my family.  My first professor job was at Allegheny College in Meadville, PA where I was blessed with amazing students who loved economics as well as game theory and experiments.  At the end of my very first week of work, our first foster child came to live with us, a little boy named Braden who we had the privilege of later adopting. Concurrently, my husband was in his family medicine residency, and when he graduated, he would begin active duty with the Air Force due to the terms of his medical school scholarship.  After two years of working at Allegheny, my husband was given orders to Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, TX, which we had to look up on a map! God went before us to provide a community of support including an amazing church and friends.

Dr. Matthew Wick, then a captain in the USAF on his first day of active duty service at Dyess with our 2-year-old son Braden

Dr. Matthew Wick, then a captain in the USAF on his first day of active duty service at Dyess with our 2-year-old son Braden.

I was 30+ weeks with our second child when we moved to Abilene, and I took two years off from teaching to be with our small kids.  I missed being with students and teaching, and I reached out to the academic community in town.  I started teaching part-time at McMurry in the fall of 2012 when I was 36 weeks pregnant with our 3rd child! I had missed the excitement of the first day of school in those two years away.  That was a busy semester!

I taught part-time at McMurry for one year and full-time for three years. We loved living in Abilene.  After my husband’s active duty commitment was over, we decided to stay and put down permanent roots here, and we had one more kid too!


What do you teach at ACU?

My main teaching focus at ACU is the principles of economics courses (macro and micro) and equipping our COBA students for their upper level business classes.  This spring I will be teaching one of my favorite classes on game theory which studies choices in strategic settings.  We also play a good deal of games which makes it a very fun and memorable class.  I also hope to add other economics topics classes in the future.


What drew you to teaching? Why did you want to work with students?

The mentoring process is my favorite part of teaching.  I love getting to know about student’s uniqueness and helping them learn material in a way that makes sense to them.  I went to a large university where having a mentor relationship with your professor was very difficult if not close to impossible in some cases.  It became paramount that my students have a different experience than I did, one where they were known.  In addition, I LOVE school, have always loved school, so it’s exciting that I always get to be in school!


What’s the best part of working with students?

I love that I get to be a small part of this transformational time in their lives.  College is a shaping experience academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.  It is a great privilege to be able to encourage them on this journey.  In addition, students make me laugh, and they help to keep me relevant.


Outside of teaching, what passions and hobbies do you have?

When I’m not teaching, I’m usually at home or out and about with my “tribe.” They are my biggest hobby and my greatest joy in life.  Currently, my kids are 2, 4, 6, and 8 years old so they are still at an age where they require attention which is both great and hard.

Other than my tribe, I love to spend time with my friends, exercise, read, and I am very involved in my church community.  I have a huge passion for the foster and adoptive community, and we hope to open our home again to children in the future.

What is a good, early story about your teaching?

While I was still a student in my doctoral program, I taught a section of Intermediate Microeconomics in the summer when I was 24 years old.  I remember walking into the classroom, very nervous, and one of the students asking me about the professor and if this was known to be a hard class.  I giggled on the inside.  I guess they thought that I was taking the class and not teaching it!


Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career.

Up to this point, I don’t think anything has topped the feeling of the accomplishment of my dissertation.  Conducting every aspect of those experiments and single authoring the papers created an incredible sense of triumph.


Do you do any charity or non-profit work?

Most Thursday mornings I work in my church’s food pantry where we provide groceries and household goods to approximately 25 families that day. These families and the others working the food pantry bless my life in tremendous ways.  I also lead a life group and counsel couples in the premarital journey with my husband.


Who is your role model, and why?

My parents! My father worked tirelessly to provide for us as well as let us know we were always loved.  He was also an incredibly successful surgeon bringing healing to thousands of patients and teaching hundreds of budding doctors.  My mom was the rock upon which our whole family stood, and she is our earthly guide in this life.  She also led each of her children to know and love the Lord.


Who was your most inspirational professor and why?

There are many, and I could pick inspirational teachers/professors for different phases of my life.

Childhood – my mom, Helen Johnson, who encouraged me to love learning and see it as a constant adventure at a young age.

Middle/High School – Dr. Tracy Inman who taught me an intensive three-week summer course in humanities studying different perspectives of the afterlife at my favorite summer camp (lovingly dubbed nerd camp by my friends and family). Her guidance helped challenge my critical thinking skills and nourish my individual ideas.

College – Dr. Charles Holt who opened my eyes to the world of game theory and experimental economics. At the time, I didn’t know he was such a leader in this field and that working in his laboratory would put me way ahead in skills for graduate school. I was so blessed by his leadership and guidance.


At UVA's Intermediate Honors (I'm on the far right) with Dr. Charles Holt in the center. We all call him Charlie.

At UVA’s Intermediate Honors (I’m on the far right) with Dr. Charles Holt in the center. We all call him Charlie.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

Flying! Oh, how freeing it would be!  Plus, you could see the world from a different perspective and travel places quickly.


What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?

My husband and I were dating for less than 10 months when we got married!  We are coming up on our 11th anniversary this Christmas.


What would you really want students and alums to know about you?

When I was in graduate school, I longed to teach at a university just like ACU. Working here is a blessing, and teaching, mentoring, and working with students is my professional dream-come-true. I am honored to share in the mission of ACU.

The Wick Family

The Wick Family

Spotlight on Jeremy St. John

We’re excited to introduce you to one of our new professors, Dr. Jeremy St. John, coming to ACU from East Texas (Texas A&M University – Commerce). Jeremy grew up and attended school in Denton, Texas and Munich, Germany traveling every year between the US and Germany. He is fluent in German. Through junior high and beyond high school he worked in residential housing construction (non-management, all manual labor). Over the years he also worked as a property manager managing family rental properties (his family founded Chris Craft which was at one time the largest privately owned company in the U.S., but was sold in the late 60s).


Dr. Jeremy St. John

Dr. Jeremy St. John


In the early 90s he began serving on the Denton Chamber of Commerce as the 21 year old owner and manager of a retail pet store. Isaac Asimov and the importance of the computer for a small retail store were major factors for Jeremy’s choice of MIS as a major.  He went on to earn a BBA in Business Computer Information Systems from the University of North Texas, a Master of Science degree in Information Technology, and a PhD in Business Computer Information Systems from the University of North Texas. Jeremy (and his future wife Karen) were instructors for the Treasury Department’s Computer Audit Specialist training program for five years. Instruction was on auditing large organizations with a focus on COBOL, computer forensics and the mainframe environment. In 2008 – 2009 he worked at Tyler Junior College as the program development manager for Science and Technology where he developed a petroleum Landman training program. From 2009 – 2011 he taught at the University of Texas at Tyler. He has served as an Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University – Commerce from 2011-2016 including a stint as interim department head from 2013-2014.

Courses Dr. St. John has taught include information systems and programming at the University of North Texas (six years). Managerial Decision Making, Operations Management, Quantitative Analysis, Database Information Systems and Management Information Systems at the University of Texas at Tyler (two years) and Business Research, Process Analysis & Design, Networking & Security at Texas A&M University Commerce (five years). Recent projects include writing the textbook Excel for Landmen and the design & manufacture of the Critter Cutter, a unique multi-tasking tool . The Critter Cutter reflects a new research interest into Crowdfunding. Recent research includes two articles published in the top MIS journal Information Systems Management.

Jeremy volunteers as the faculty sponsor for Weekend Campaigns at Abilene Christian University. This is a student volunteer group on campus who have a desire to serve other communities. They travel to many children’s homes and to disability communities over the semester, spend time with the residents there and help build different things, as well as complete any other tasks their host needs them to do. They recently traveled to the Boles Children’s Home to help build a fence and driveway for their new nursery, and to spend time with the kids there.

The Boles Children’s Home is a Christian not for profit organization that provides a safe haven for children and single mothers in need. They also reach disadvantaged children in their neighborhoods through their outreach ministry programs. They help families and orphaned children avoid homelessness, poverty, abuse and neglect and lead them to sustainable and productive lives where they can attend public school, universities, trade schools, and participate in church and school activities. They do not receive state or federal grants but rely on donations and volunteers.

Jeremy stated that the Weekend Campaigns organization is a great group because it helps students get connected with other students, and learn to enjoy volunteering and helping others during a time where most people think about themselves. He said the students at Abilene Christian have been able to be a friend, helper and mentor to kids and adults in need. Jeremy is looking forward to the next Weekend Campaign trip which will be a Thanksgiving trip to Oklahoma to hand out food to the poor.


The St. John Family

The St. John Family


Jeremy’s wife of 17 years, Karen, will start in the spring at ACU as an IT Instructor and is currently teaching at A&M Commerce. They have six children who attend Abilene Christian Schools and live on 158 acres in North Abilene. Please help us welcome the St. John family to COBA!


Spotlight on Aimee Agee

Meet Aimee (pronounced I-may) Agee, COBA’s newest staff member. Aimee serves as COBA’s Student and Professional Development Manager, working with students to help them via class insertions, job and internship coaching sessions, resume help and much more. COBA students, we hope you’ll come in to the Dean’s Suite and meet Aimee!


Aimee Agee

Aimee Agee


What is your educational background?

I completed two A.A. degrees with the Community College of the Air Force, one in Aircraft Maintenance Systems and the other in Instructional Science. I completed my undergraduate degree in Adult and Career Education at Indiana State University. I am projected to graduate with my M.Ed from ACU in December.


What is your work background?

I spent 11 years in the Air Force, 7 years as an aircraft mechanic and 4 years as an instructor under the Community College of the Air Force. After separating from the Air Force I was an assistant campus director for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and then a community readiness specialist, specializing in employment.


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Aimee and her husband, First Lieutenant, Alfred B. Agee Jr.


What do you do at ACU/COBA?

At COBA I am the Professional and Student Development Manager. I focus on helping our students be prepared for the work force and find internship and employment opportunities.


What drew you to work at ACU? Why did you want to work with students?

What drew me to ACU was being able to combine my passion for higher education, students, and Christ.


What’s the best part of working with students?

The best part of working with students is knowing that you can help them through such an important transition period in life.


Outside of ACU, what passions and hobbies do you have?

My passion is education. I love reading, taking classes, and learning new things. My two young girls take up a lot of time but I love being a mom and learning.


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Aimee and her daughters


What is a good, early story about your first job or when you were in college?

Being petite in size made my first job very challenging! I quickly realized being an aircraft mechanic was not for me. I trusted God and He led me to my second job and my passion for higher education.


Who is your role model and why?

My role model is my mother-in-law. Her faith is her guide in life. When I need to speak to someone she always guides me back to the best resource available, the Bible.


Who was your most inspirational professor and why?

My most inspirational professor was Dr. Morris. He facilitated a few of my graduate courses and I was so impressed at his ability to be engaged and involved with students holistically in an online setting.


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The Agee Family


If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

Time travel! I would love to go back in time and meet so many historical figures.


What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?

English is my second language. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico with Spanish as my first and primary language.

Spotlight on Sarah Easter

We’re excited to welcome several new professors and staff members to COBA this fall and are continuing our COBA blog spotlight articles to introduce them to you. We’re glad they’re part of our team!


Dr. Sarah Easter

Dr. Sarah Easter


What is your educational background?

PhD in International Management and Organization (University of Victoria, 2016)

MBA, emphasis in International Business and Marketing (Rollins College, 2008)

BBA, Management and Marketing (ACU, 2006)


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Celebrating her PhD!


What is your work background?

After completing my undergraduate degree at ACU, I went on to complete an MBA designed for students with limited work experiences in Orlando, FL (where I am from) at Rollins. While I was in the program I starting interning at Correct Craft (Anyone into wakeboarding or water skiing? They produce the Nautique brand of boats.) in the marketing department. That internship turned into a full time job upon graduation as a Marketing Specialist, in which case I handled branding and marketing communications for the Nautique brand. After working at Correct Craft for a few years, even though I enjoyed my job, I was itching to move abroad and also to apply my skill sets within a socially focused organization. So, I ended up moving to Vietnam in 2010 through Volunteer Services Overseas to work with a social enterprise as a Business Development and Marketing Advisor for a one-year assignment. While in that position I had the opportunity to teach a business course to the staff (And loved it!) and also started asking a lot of questions about how these types of organizations balance social and financial tensions, etc. Collectively, these experiences in Vietnam led me to consider returning to school to obtain my PhD. When I returned from Vietnam, while I was considering PhD programs, I returned to Correct Craft as a Senior Strategy Analyst working with the senior leadership team and then moved to Canada to pursue my PhD about a year and a half later. I am living proof that God’s plans are far greater than anything we can ask or imagine  – I would never have pictured myself coming back to ACU 10 years after I completed my undergraduate to work as a faculty member, but I am so glad that He has led me here!


at graduation brunch with my parents, sister and brother-in-law (2)

At graduation brunch with my parents, sister and brother-in-law.


What do you teach at ACU?

This semester I am teaching the strategy capstone course. I am excited about the opportunity to work with students as they develop and hone their strategic thinking skills for today’s increasingly complex, ambiguous and dynamic environment – regardless of whether they desire to work in a for-profit, nonprofit or public organization. And, to do so, in a very discussion oriented and applied manner.


What drew you to teaching? Why did you want to work with students?

I have always been a bit of a school nerd and really enjoy and appreciate continuous learning, so the idea of having the opportunity to shape future generations of students and have focused time to continually learn through research and interacting with students is very attractive. However, I never really saw myself in a teaching role. It wasn’t until I lived in Vietnam and had the opportunity to teach a business class to the employees at the social enterprise I worked with that I began to see that as more of a possibility. It was a very challenging experience trying to take business knowledge I had learned in the US environment and contextualize it for Vietnam while also making it relevant and enjoyable for them. Yet, I really enjoyed the experience and it was such a joy getting to see them embrace and understand the material (after a bit of resistance at the beginning).


What’s the best part of working with students?

College is such a formative (and hopefully transformational) experience in a young person’s life not only academically but socially and spiritually as well. It is also such an exciting yet scary time of exploring the large multitude of possibilities as to where God would lead each student both professionally and personally in the future. I love getting to play a small role in students’ development to that end and I am very excited to be at a university that values education as a holistic experience which encompasses academic, social and spiritual components.


Have you ever given up any big opportunities to keep working with students?

When I decided to go back to school to pursue my PhD, I walked away from a lucrative career path. I moved to Western Canada (to a city that is the second most expensive city to live in across Canada) and received a stipend as opposed to the market salary I was used to – which was certainly an adjustment. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and while it was hard at times, I don’t regret it at all.


some of my dearest friends from ACU (2)

Some of my dearest friends from ACU.


Outside of teaching, what passions and hobbies do you have?

In addition to teaching, I am very passionate about my research that focuses on how people work across cultural differences in support of addressing major societal challenges such as homelessness. Outside of my profession, I enjoy spending time with family and friends – and I am excited to be much closer, geographically speaking, to many of those I hold dear (in comparison to when I was living on an island in Western Canada). I also love to read, try new and different restaurants (I’m a bit of a foodie) and travel (I always have many different places on my list!). As well, I love to go on new ‘mini’ adventures and to try new things – next up on my list is learning to play a musical instrument. I am also contemplating purchasing a motor scooter at some point – I rode one the year I lived in Vietnam and loved it!


What is a good, early story about your teaching?

While I was working on my doctoral degree, I taught a few sections of Leading People and Organizations (also known as Organizational Behavior). Students at this particular institution tended to view this course as a “fluffy” one without a lot of practical value. It was really rewarding for me to see students in that course (even the more reluctant ones) embrace the material, reflect on how the concepts applied to their own situations and to actually have fun in the process of learning.


Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career.

Since it is so recent and was such a significant and all-encompassing undertaking, I would have to say my dissertation. I conducted a 16-month ethnographic study of a coalition to end homelessness in Western Canada. I was really interested in how a diverse body of organizations and individuals from public, private and non profit sectors come together to address a significant societal issue over time, in this case homelessness. It was fascinating for me to hear all of the different perspectives and vantage points of the involved organizations and to develop a deep understanding as to how the coalition evolved over time in the presence of many and very different ways of working (e.g., different values, norms, goals).  It was also very rewarding to work closely with the coalition and to be able to provide feedback and recommendations to them based on the study. I love conducting research that also has strong practical implications and look forward to developing more similar partnerships in the future as I progress with my research.


Do you do any charity or non-profit work?

While I lived in Canada I was very involved in my church. I taught and mentored middle school girls for a number of years and my life group (also known as small group) volunteered regularly at a youth homeless drop in center. I am looking forward to getting involved in similar types of activities in Abilene as I get settled here.


on a bear tour on Vancouver Island with my parents and sister this summer (2)

On a bear tour on Vancouver Island with my parents and sister this summer.


Who is your role model, and why?

My parents – they are such amazing examples of living out the Christian faith in their lives. They invest in the people and spaces to which God has called them (which have varied greatly over the years) and truly try to fully grow and develop in each and every season. I have learned so much about hard work and perseverance as well as the importance of laughter and appreciating the journey from watching them over the years.


with my dissertation supervisor (2)

With my dissertation supervisor.


Who was your most inspirational professor and why?

It would be impossible for me to name the many, many individuals who have played an important role in my many, many years of higher education over the years. But, two, in particular, stand out as they both significantly influenced my development as a teacher and scholar:

  • My international marketing professor during my MBA program who helped to ignite my passion for using business for social good….which eventually resulted in my working with a social enterprise in Vietnam and then to my pursuing a PhD.
  • My dissertation supervisor for her patience and support throughout my PhD journey. She helped me to fully understand and embrace an interdisciplinary approach to capturing today’s complex organizational phenomenal.


If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

I think it would be neat to teleport– that would make it much easier for me to travel different places quickly and on the cheap.


What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?

I used to play lacrosse in high school (although I haven’t played in years). I played defense and was actually pretty aggressive. I was named MVP of defense and played in an all-state game my senior year.


What would you really want students and alums to know about you?

I believe very strongly in the mission and focus of ACU (it was such a formative part of my own development as an undergraduate) and I’m happy to be back as a professor



COBA Celebrates Graduates at May 2016 COBA Senior Dinner

Every May, COBA holds a dinner to celebrate our graduating seniors as well as to honor outstanding students, faculty and staff. On Friday, May 6th, almost 300 people attended the event held at the Hunter Welcome Center. Dr. Andy Little welcomed the crowd and recognized students and their families for all of the hard work and sacrifice it took for them to reach the milestone of graduating from college.



Families gathering to celebrate their May graduates.


Dr. Andy Little greets the May 2016 graduates and their families

Dr. Andy Little greets the May 2016 graduates and their families.


Each year we ask a student representative from each department to provide an Au Revoir to their classmates and faculty, reflecting on their experiences in COBA and at ACU. This year’s student speakers were Hayley Griffin, management major from Quanah, Texas and Austin Cotton, financial management major from Keller, Texas. Each reflected on their time in the College of Business and thanked faculty and their parents for making a difference in their lives.



Hayley Griffin


COBA Graduates Hayley Griffin and Austin Cotton address the crowd

Austin Cotton


It is also a COBA tradition to ask a parent of one of our graduates to speak on behalf of all parents of the graduating class.  This year we were delighted to have Rick Lytle, former COBA Dean, current Director for the Lytle Center for Leadership and Faith Development, CEO and President of CEO Forum, and father of now three ACU alumni, as our parent speaker.  Rick is the father of Michelle Lytle, marketing major from Abilene, Texas.  Dr. Lytle encouraged the students to live lives both personally and professionally which make a difference for the kingdom of God in their workplace, community, and home. Dr. Lytle then had the pleasure of introducing the newly named Dean, Dr. Brad Crisp, as Dr. Crisp commended the students on the many activities and accomplishments they have achieved.



Dr. Rick Lytle gives the parent address as the father of COBA graduate, Michelle Lytle.


Dr. Rick Lytle and Dr. Brad Crisp

New COBA Dean, Dr. Brad Crisp.


Dr. Crisp also recognized sixteen students who were chosen by the COBA faculty that symbolize three COBA values: Competence, Character, and Community.  The criteria for choosing students who fulfill those qualities are listed below as well as the names of the 2016 graduates who received the awards.

Competence – Professional competence is a prerequisite for capable leadership.  These students have demonstrated that they understand how to create and deliver value in their work, think critically, communicate well, work in teams and understand the complexities of today’s global marketplace. COBA students to win this year’s award are: John Allen, Jaci Browning, Hayley Griffin, Evelyn Hernandez, Parker Mason, and Mandy Stratton.



From L to R: Mandy Stratton, Evelyn Hernandez, Parker Mason, Jaci Browning and Hayley Griffin.


Character – The intent of COBA is to graduate students who seek to glorify God in their personal and professional lives.  These students stand out as examples for being able to discern right from wrong, articulate what they believe and why they believe it and behave consistently with those beliefs regardless of personal consequence. COBA students to win this year’s award are: Christy Duke, Callie Kerbo, Griffin Pedigo, Jason Proctor, and Connor Steinmetz.



From L to R: Christy Duke, Connor Steinmetz and Jason Proctor.


Community – Successful business graduates give back by providing service and leadership in the workplace, their churches, homes and communities.  These students have demonstrated that they understand how to serve and lead in the ACU community. COBA students to win this year’s award are: Austin Cotton, Emily Dosa, Michelle Lytle, Alyssa Timmons, and Rebekah Wood.



From L to R: Emily Dosa, Michelle Lytle, Rebekah Wood and Austin Cotton.


Each year, junior and senior students in the College of Business vote for their favorite teachers of the year. One professor is selected to receive the award in each academic department.

This year’s Teacher of the Year in Accounting and Finance is known for teaching his students the basics of accounting while doing so in a manner that is logical and interesting, for his love of coffee, and for playing his guitar for students. One student said, “He’s always very enthusiastic about the subject and he’s very good at relating to students as well as showing his interest in what the student is looking to do in the future.”  Another student commented said, “He has a gentle, kind spirit and was always there to help, whether it be regarding accounting or just what’s going on in our lives. He was one of the best professors I have had in COBA.” The class of 2016 named Dr. David Perkins as Teacher of the Year in Accounting and Finance.



Dr. David Perkins, the 2015-16 Accounting and Finance Teacher of the Year.


This year’s recipient of the Management Sciences Teacher of the Year award went to a professor who is known as one of the most entertaining professors in COBA. One student commented, “I never expected to learn so much about how BLAW was related to Hot Pocket commercials! He was one of the most entertaining, fun teachers I have had in COBA. Never a dull moment!” Another student said, “When you come into college, you expect to be taught by professors but you don’t expect to have them engage with you and walk alongside of you in your learning. That is something he has done beyond what I could imagine. He’s become more than a professor. He’s become a friend.” The class of 2016 named Andy Little as Teacher of the Year in Management Sciences.



Dr. Andy Little, 2015-16 Management Sciences Teacher of the Year.


The dean also honored two COBA staff members in recognition of their service to COBA and COBA students. The first 2016 Dean’s Award for Service went to Nuria Hall, academic advising specialist, who continuously goes above and beyond expectations.  Nearly always she is among the first to offer help, create better solutions, and offer her Christ-like wisdom to enhance the overall experience for our students.



Dean’s Award for Service recipients, Nuria Hall and Karen Viertel.


The second Dean’s Service Award was awarded to Karen Viertel, manager of COBA student services and academic advising, for her many years of service to the students, faculty and staff of COBA. Karen is the definition of team player and is always one of the first to help in any situation, whether that’s advising a student in her office on or a co-worker in the college, always with a servant-leader heart.

The evening concluded with a blessing from Associate Professor, Jozell Brister. Following the blessing, Madison Haggerton, management major from Keller, Texas led the group in the long held tradition of singing “The Lord Bless You and Keep You.”



Associate Professor, Jozell Brister, reads a blessing over the graduates.



Madison Haggerton


Congratulations again, students! And to the students, their families and friends, we say thank you for allowing us to be walk alongsde with you over the last four years. May God bless each of you greatly as you enter into this new phase of your lives.



The May 2016 COBA graduating class


You can find more pictures from the evening on our COBA Facebook page. We will be hosting a separate event to honor December graduates at the end of the fall 2016 semester. Stay tuned for more details!

COBA Names Crisp as New Dean

COBA is excited to announce that Dr. Brad Crisp has been named as the new Dean for the College of Business Administration.


Dr. Brad Crisp

Dr. Brad Crisp


In a statement from the Provost’s office, Dr. Robert Rhodes said, “Based on the recommendation of the search committee, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Brad Crisp as the Dean of the College of Business Administration effective May 9, 2016.

During his 10 years on the faculty at ACU, Dr. Crisp has served as director of the School of Information Technology and Computing, which earned ABET accreditation under his leadership; and he launched the online Master of Business Administration as its first director.

I am confident in his ability to lead the College of Business Administration. He is committed to supporting faculty and to preparing students well through his continued commitment to academic excellence and his sharp focus on intentional Christian spiritual formation.

Dr. Crisp is a 1993 COBA graduate and holds an MBA and a Ph.D from the University of Texas. Brad is married to Jennifer, and they have two sons, Jon and Caleb.”

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Crisp as he begins his tenure as Dean.