Access Course Meetings Outside of Canvas

Both students and instructors can import their Canvas Calendar into their Google calendar so that all daily events appear in the same place. This is especially helpful if you have Zoom sessions scheduled and Canvas happens to have a load issue during the time of a...

Reassign assignments

Some students rely on the to-do list on their course home page to keep track of their various course tasks. You could change which item appears on their to-do list. All dated assignments, quizzes, and discussions appear on the list. You could make a page a to-do list...

Recording Zoom Meetings to the Cloud

If you have a Zoom Pro account, you can now record meetings to the cloud. This is especially helpful when you use a classroom computer and do not want to wait till the transcoding finishes on the classroom computer. Of course, if you are working with your own...

Enabling Closed Captioning on Zoom

You could now enable closed captioning on Zoom. To do so, log in to Zoom, go to “settings”, and under “In Meeting (Advanced),” turn on closed captioning and “enable live transcription service…”. You could also enable...

Tips for adjusting your course activities

There are many ways you can adjust your course activities as timeframes shift. Here are a few tips: If you have multiple calendar items you will need to change due dates, go to the course calendar, and “drag and drop” the items to the next weeks, which...