Be on the lookout: curriculum and instructional materials

Every congregation has a closet or workroom with old curriculum and instructional materials.  We are especially interested in curriculum produced by and for Churches of Christ and Christian Churches.  Pictured here are issues of Little Jewels, published by Gospel Advocate Company in Nashville, Tennessee, for young children.  The volume numbering suggests this series began publication in the 1880s.  We have precious few of them.  Items such as these were produced for the moment, consumed and cast aside as life went on.   We wish to locate and preserve this kind of material.  Titles such as Little Jewels are ripe for examining the history of Churches of Christ from several angles: spiritual formation of children, Biblical narration and storytelling, moral formation, the history of interpretation of Biblical texts, and they give a window into the practice of teaching in Sunday Schools.  That’s quite a bit of potential research value; and we could support that kind of inquiry if we had the materials at hand.  Please remember us the next time your congregation has a work day in the curriculum room.  Contact Mac Ice for further assistance:

Little Jewels, Gospel Advocate Company, 1948

Little Jewels, Gospel Advocate Company, 1948

Little Jewels, Gospel Advocate Company, 1948

Bob Ross’ Campbellism, Its History and Heresies

A few days ago a donor brought us a copy of the 1973 third edition of Bob L. Ross’ Campbellism, Its History and Heresies (Pilgrim Publications: Pasadena, Texas).  With the addition of the third edition, we now have copies of the first four editions.  The first printing appeared in 1962 from Baptist Examiner Book Shop in Ashland Kentucky.  The second followed in 1968, the third in 1973, and the fourth in 1976.  The fifth, and apparently final, edition appeared in 1981.

The new-to-us third edition is in fine condition.  A research-level collection in Stone-Campbell studies should have all editions and printing variations such as these so we can fully serve a wide range of research interests.

Pictured below are the front covers of the first four editions, along with the title page and rear cover of the first printing.

Bob R. Ross, Campbellism, Its History and Heresies, first edition, 1962. Front cover.

Bob R. Ross, Campbellism, Its History and Heresies, first edition, 1962. Rear cover.

Bob R. Ross, Campbellism, Its History and Heresies, first edition, 1962. Title page.

Bob R. Ross, Campbellism, Its History and Heresies, second edition, 1968.  Front cover.

Bob R. Ross, Campbellism, Its History and Heresies, third edition, 1973.  Front cover.

Bob R. Ross, Campbellism, Its History and Heresies, fourth edition, 1976. Front cover.