Challenges: The Restoration Movement in Texas film now available online on DigitalCommons and Vimeo

In 1986 Herald of Truth and Abilene Christian University collaborated on a video retelling 150 years of Restoration history in Texas.  It features R. L. Roberts, Bill Humble, Richard Hughes, Ethelyn Mitchall, John Stevens and William Teague. Beginning in the 1830s, and filmed on location at historic sites, this film summarizes the people, places, events, and issues that defined the Churches of Christ and Christian Churches in the Lone Star state.

The film is now available online for free streaming and download on Vimeo and on DigitalCommons.

Challenges – The Restoration Movement in Texas from ACU Library on Vimeo.

Tillit Sidney Teddlie Centennial Singing, June 2, 1985, Prestoncrest Church of Christ, Dallas, Texas

In June 1985, Tilllit S. Teddlie celebrated his 100th birthday.  Friends honored him with an afternoon of song.  This video describes Teddlie’s work as a hymnist, songwriter, publisher, and song leader among Churches of Christ.  It was filmed at Prestoncrest Church of Christ in Dallas, June 2, 1985.

Tillit Sidney Teddlie was a singing school teacher, composer, publisher, and minister of the Church of Christ. Teddlie was educated in Southern Development Normal in Waco, Texas, a school for advanced instruction in theory and harmony. He also attended what is now North Texas State University. He composed his first song in 1906. During his lifetime, Teddlie taught singing schools for 61 years, composed 130 songs, published 14 song books, and served as a full-time minister, including the Johnson Street Church of Christ (1945–1951), Central Church of Christ in Greenville, Texas, and Churches of Christ in Ennis, Sulphur Springs, Lone Oak and Quinlan. For two years he sang only with Foy E. Wallace, Jr. while traveling across the country for gospel meetings.

Additionally, we hold a small collection of his song lyrics and sermon notes, which are Manuscripts #29, and our Austin Taylor Hymnal Collection holds copies of Teddlie’s hymnals.

Enjoy the film!

Some new additions

Here are just a few of our recent additions.  Thank you–a BIG thank you!–to our generous friends and donors who build this permanent collection. This post describes our collecting philosophy for print and archival collections and this post has some additional information along with a link to our full collection development policy.  We welcome your partnership to locate and preserve these valuable materials.