Recent books in Restoration history

Several recent publications suggest interest in Stone-Campbell history thought, and theology is by no means dormant.  The sample listed below reflects a wide scope of interest.  Some focus intently on local or regional history, while others are thematic, anecdotal, or institutional.  Some are designed to be immediately accessible to any reader, while others require varying degrees of prior knowledge.  Below are just a few, I intend to regularly post updates as new material is published.

Robert W. Steffer. Saving Cane Ridge. Paris: Cane Ridge Shrine, Inc. 2015. 378 pages.

Robert W. Steffer, Saving Cane Ridge

Libby Weed, A Cloud of Witnesses: Centennial History of Austin Graduate School of Theology. Austin: Christian Studies Press, 2018. 202 pages.

Libby Weed, A Cloud of Witnesses: Centennial History of Austin Graduate School of Theology.

Larry C. Jackson, Choosing Sides: A History of the Churches of Christ in Austin 1847-2018. LaGrange, TX: Larry C. Jackson, 2018. 198 pages.

Larry C. Jackson, Choosing Sides: A History of the Churches of Christ in Austin 1847-2018.

John Young, Visions of Restoration: The History of Churches of Christ. Florence: Cypress Publications, 2019.

John Young, Visions of Restoration: The History of Churches of Christ.

John Young, Visions of Restoration: The History of Churches of Christ.

Edward J. Robinson, Hard Fighting Soldiers: A History of African American Churches of Christ. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2019. 224 pages.

Edward J. Robinson, Hard Fighting Soldiers: A History of African American Churches of Christ.


J. Caleb Clanton, editor. Restoration and Philosophy: New Philosophical Engagements with the Stone-Campbell Tradition. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2019. 389 pages.

J. Caleb Clanton, editor. Restoration and Philosophy: New Philosophical Engagements with the Stone-Campbell Tradition.


Perry C. Cotham,  Please Don’t Revive Us Again!: The Human Side of the Church of Christ. Bloomington: Archway Publishing, 2020. 390 pages.

Perry C. Cotham,  Please Don’t Revive Us Again!: The Human Side of the Church of Christ.

John Mark Hicks, editor. Resisting Babel: Allegiance to God and the Problem of Government. Abilene: Abilene Christian University Press, 2020

John Mark Hicks, editor. Resisting Babel: Allegiance to God and the Problem of Government.

John Mark Hicks, editor. Resisting Babel: Allegiance to God and the Problem of Government.

Greg Massey, By the Grace of God: The Story of Freed-Hardeman University. Abilene: Abilene Christian University Press, 2020.

Greg Massey, By the Grace of God: The Story of Freed-Hardeman University.



On the Shelf: New items added to Center for Restoration Studies collections, February 2020

In February our colleagues in Technical Services and Cataloging added 212 items to the Center for Restoration Studies, University Archives, and Rare Books collections.  Among them are books, periodical issues (both bound volumes and many boxes of unbound issues), a few tracts, several A/V items in various formats, and new catalog records for three archival collections. Most are new to us but a handful of the print materials are second copies.  The work performed on some items reflects original cataloging, which is a tremendous contribution to knowledge about information resources from and about the Stone-Campbell Movement.

‘The Late Mrs. John Lawrie’ from Jubilee Pictorial History of Churches of Christ in Australasia, 1903, page 31

Our goal is to build a comprehensive research-level collection of print materials by, for, and about the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement.  But beyond assembly and preservation, a collection should be discoverable by those who need the information.  Collecting and preserving is only part of our task; those objects must be described and made available.  Thanks to the close and careful work of our colleagues upstairs, who describe our holdings, these materials are now discoverable. By discoverable I mean a patron can utilize our online catalog (such as by searching by author, or title, or subject) to find these materials.

212 new items…cataloged, shelved, and ready for research: Continue reading

On the Shelf: New items added to Center for Restoration Studies collections, January 2020

In January our colleagues in Technical Services and Cataloging added 185 items to the Center for Restoration Studies, University Archives, and Rare Books collections.  Among them are books, periodical issues (bound volumes and boxes of unbound issues), a few tracts and several A/V items in various formats. Most are new to us but a handful are second copies.  The work performed on some items reflects original cataloging, which is a tremendous contribution to knowledge about information resources from and about the Stone-Campbell Movement.

‘The Late Mrs. John Lawrie’ from Jubilee Pictorial History of Churches of Christ in Australasia, 1903, page 31

Our goal is to build a comprehensive research-level collection of print materials by, for, and about the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement.  But beyond assembly and preservation, a collection should be discoverable by those who need the information.  Collecting and preserving is only part of our task; those objects must be described and made available.  Thanks to the close and careful work of our colleagues upstairs, who describe our holdings, these materials are now discoverable. By discoverable I mean a patron can utilize our online catalog (such as by searching by author, or title, or subject) to find these materials.

185 new items…cataloged, shelved, and ready for research: Continue reading