This Just In: Belle Plaine, Kansas Church History


We just received this lovely little 26-paged booklet. Compiled in 1956 by G.R. Tinius, it is a history of the earliest Churches of Christ in Belle Plaine, Kansas. It contains historical accounts of five different congregations: Palestine, Pleasant Valley, Council Hill, Belle Plaine, and Peck churches of Christ.

If you have any other interesting history on any of these congregations, please reach out and share. If you have booklets similar to this about local church history in your area, we would love to hear about it.




Texas or Bust


Every family has a story. These stories are usually exchanged upon the knee of a beloved grandparent or told around the dinner table during the holidays. During the past month a patron has been kind enough to invite Special Collections into her own family’s story. We are proud to announce the acquisition of the Ervin Family Papers, which catalog the pioneering adventures of the Ervin family ancestors, Jonas Lafayette and his wife, Mary Hamilton Ervin. Of special note within this collection is a pair of letters written by Jonas Ervin and Mary Ervin during their first year on the Texas frontier. Both Mary and Jonas discuss the hardships of the frontier; topics range from not being able to afford vittles to suffering from scurvy.

It is important to draw attention to the structures of these two letters. When placed side by side you can identify congruent headings and salutations in both letters. It has been my observation that Mary demonstrates a higher level of literacy than her husband, Jonas. The script of her handwriting is much neater; her grammar and spelling is also up to standard while Jonas’ letter is peppered with spelling and grammar mistakes. It is possible that Jonas asked for Mary’s help in formatting his letter or at least copied her style in order to write a legible letter. As a researcher, it is interesting to notice the differing levels of education between Jonas and Mary. It is obvious that Jonas is barely literate while Mary has gone through some kind of formal instruction. Does it strike you that, as a female on the Texas frontier, Mary would have a higher level of education than her husband, Jonas?

These letters serve as excellent windows into what living standards were like in West Texas during the 1870s, as white pioneers from the east began to settle the area. Though the Ervins faced many perils and tribulations they were able to build a legacy upon the dusty, Texan earth and a life for their family; which consisted of thirteen healthy children, all of whom survived into adulthood. What is your family’s story? What obstacles did they face while taming the wild, open spaces of the Texan wilderness? You’ll be surprised by the historical landscapes that lay before you when you  examine your own family’s journey. Please share with us your family’s story so that we may all know more about our collective past.

ACU_Ervin.Family.Papers 1

The first page of Jonas Lafayette's letter.

The first page of Jonas Lafayette’s letter.

The second page of Jonas Lafayette's letter.

The second page of Jonas Lafayette’s letter.

The first page of Mary Hamilton Ervin's letter.

The first page of Mary Hamilton Ervin’s letter.

The second page of Mary Hamilton Ervin's letter.

The second page of Mary Hamilton Ervin’s letter.

Below are transcriptions of both Jonas’ and Mary’s letters. The transcriber has preserved the original grammar and spelling of each author. Some words are unintelligible. If you have any insights into what some of these unrecognizable words might be please comment. Thank you.  

Click here for Annotated Jonas Lafayette Ervin Letter Transcription

Click here for Annotated Mary Hamilton Ervin Letter Transcription

I Love to Sing the Story: Exploring Stone-Campbell Hymnody

i love to sing the story, poster 3Summit 2014 is in the books.  I taught three classes on the earliest hymnody of the Stone-Campbell movement.   The first session focused on the Abner Jones-Elias Smith movement in New England; then a day on James O’Kelly and the ‘Christian Church in the South’; and then a class on Barton W. Stone.

I pointed out that we could easily spend three days just on Alexander Campbell.  And that would only get us to the Civil War!  So for three days and three classes I chose to stay in the earliest traditions.

I have PowerPoint presentations and handouts for each class; the audio should be available on iTunes shortly.  Before I upload the PP and handouts, I have some editing/polishing to complete.  And I want to compile a short list of resources for further study.  I will upload the PP, the handouts and the resources (with links to electronic sources) to this blog shortly.  Plus, we have an exhibit of hymnals in ACU LIbrary (if you are in Abilene, come on down to the first level of the library and take a look in person).  We are putting the finishing touches on an online version of that exhibit so if you are not in Abilene, you can still enjoy the exhibit.  Stay tuned for the announcement and URL for the exhibit.