Restoration Quarterly on

The new issue of Restoration Quarterly has just been published.  Our readers may remember that for several years some RQ articles were available on the ACU website in HTML format.  Those articles are now available as downloadable PDF’s on  For the benefit of users who would like to browse the contents of RQ, we also included all issue covers even when full-text articles from that issue are not online.

All Restoration Quarterly articles are available in full text in the ATLA Religion Database, available through most university and theological libraries or through your local library’s inter-library loan service.

Here are the three most recent issue covers:

Restoration Quarterly 62.1, First Quarter 2020

Restoration Quarterly 62.1, Second Quarter 2020

Restoration Quarterly 62.3, Third Quarter 2020

Restoration Quarterly is devoted to advancing knowledge and understanding of New Testament Christianity, its backgrounds, its history, and its implications for the present age. Articles in the journal do not necessarily represent the view of the editor, the editorial board, or the corporate board of Restoration Quarterly. The editor is responsible for the selection of material, but the responsibility for opinions expressed and accuracy of facts rests solely with the individual author.


“The Tomb is Empty Now”

Thanks to our friends over at The Cyber Hymnal, the lyrics for the hymn, “The Tomb is Empty Now” are available.

1927 was the last time the song was published in a hymnal according to  The scan above is from Song Crown, published in 1912 by Firm Foundation Publishing House in Austin, Texas.

Check out the rest of The Cyber Hymnal site and make sure you don’t miss their extensive collection of hymns in other languages.

Online materials for teaching Restoration Movement history

As an archive embedded within a university, we value the teaching of our history.  We value the practice of teaching as well as the content of the teaching.  We value pedagogy and the raw archival and print materials historians use to teach and write and reflect about the past.  Every so often someone asks if I know of teaching materials online that might be useful for class or personal study.  Usually they want something like a set of class presentations.  If you are looking for something like this, I commend a series now underway by Mike Baker, minister for the Concord Street Church of Christ in Orlando, FL.  He is teaching through Restoration history on Wednesday nights and has uploaded video files and PDFs of his presentations to his congregation’s website.